Basketball player who suffered from vaccine-induced myocarditis dies of heart attack
By ramontomeydw // 2023-06-27
A 28-year-old basketball player who suffered from myocarditis after being injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine has died of a heart attack. Dominican sports commentator Hector Gomez announced on Instagram that professional basketball player Oscar Cabrera Adames had suffered a heart attack on June 22. Adames died while undergoing a stress test at a health center in the Dominican capital Santo Domingo. Back in 2021, Adames took to social media to decry his myocarditis – heart muscle inflammation – which he reportedly suffered after his COVID-19 vaccination. His social media posts about the condition went viral following his death. The basketball player reportedly got two doses of the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. "Many people warned me, but guess what? It was compulsory or I couldn't work," he wrote. "I am an international professional athlete, and I am playing in Spain." Adames reportedly had no health problems or any hereditary conditions prior to his vaccination, but he suddenly collapsed to the ground in the middle of a basketball game. He managed to recover from that incident. "I've had 11 different cardiology tests done, and guess what? They find nothing. I have no cholesterol, no fat, nothing! Seven percent body fat, 93 percent muscle. When they give me the diagnosis, they tell me that I won't be able to play for at least five months until my heart goes down again and they can't give me that medicine." Adames was the nephew of the late Hugo Cabrera, a Dominican Sports Hall of Famer who died of pancreatic cancer in 2021. His basketball career included a stint with Daytona State College in Florida. According to the Economic Times, Adames' passing "has shocked the Dominican Republic's basketball community." It added that investigations into the circumstances surrounding his heart attack are underway following his claims about the COVID-19 vaccine.

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The death of Adames is oddly reminiscent of the vaccine injury suffered by soccer star Sergio "Kun" Aguero. The 33-year-old Argentinian player for FC Barcelona reportedly collapsed on the field during an October 2021 game against rival team Deportivo Alaves. (Related: Bob The Plumber and Marien talk about vaccinated soccer star Sergio "Kun" Aguero collapsing mid-game – Brighteon.TV.) According to NewsWars, medical staff examined Aguero at the stadium before he was taken to a nearby hospital. A statement by the soccer team said the striker "reported chest discomfort and has been admitted to the hospital for a cardiac exam." Aguero was later diagnosed with tachycardia – a condition where the heart beats more than 100 times per minute. The heart condition Aguero suffered ultimately led to his retirement, which he announced during a December 2021 press conference. He told reporters in attendance: "I have decided to stop playing professional football. It is a very difficult moment. The decision I have taken for my health [is linked to] the problem I had a month and a half ago." "The first two weeks were really difficult. When they did the first physical test on me, the medical staff told me there was a very big possibility I would not be able to continue playing. Then they called me to tell me it was definitive." Aguero expressed his appreciation to the medical staff, saying he has been "in good hands" with them. He continued: "I made the decision 10 days ago after doing everything possible to have some hope of playing on. I am very proud for my career. I always dreamed of a professional career since the first time I touched a ball at [age] five." Visit for more stories about deaths caused by COVID-19 injections. Watch Bob Sisson and Marien Barrientos discussing Sergio Aguero's mid-game collapse on "CLO2TV." This video is from the BrighteonTV channel on

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