Joe Biden’s favorability rating the lowest of any U.S. president in 70 years
By lauraharris // 2023-07-10
In a recent series of polls, President Joe Biden's approval rating has dropped to the lowest point in any presidency since Harry Truman's approval rating in 1953. According to YouGov and Morning Consult, two prominent polling agencies, during the last week of June, Biden's net-negative approval ratings stood at negative 16 and 13, respectively. Additional surveys conducted by Harris, Daily Kos, CBS News, Quinnipiac University and Marquette University showed similarly unfavorable figures. The primary factors contributing to the declining popularity of Biden are his economic program, known as Bidenomics and his mental acuity. At 80 years old, he holds the distinction of being the oldest president to occupy the White House. If he were to serve a second term in 2024, he would be 82 years old. In a separate poll CNN released on June 20, Biden's favorability rating has dropped by eight points since January at 32 percent. So far, this rating is the lowest point during his term over the past six months(Related: CNN Poll: Joe Biden’s favorability rating drops to lowest point yet amid bribery allegations.) This decline can be associated with ongoing investigations into allegations of corruption and bribery. There have been claims that he accepted a $5 million bribe from Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky. This controversy has negatively impacted his presidency and influenced public opinion. Initially, in January 2021, shortly after assuming office, Biden enjoyed a high approval rating of 59 percent. However, as time progressed, his rating started to decline. Factors such as the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and the enactment of large-scale spending bills, which contributed to a 40-year-high inflation rate, have further exacerbated the situation. By the summer of 2022, Biden's approval rating had already dropped to 36 percent. It experienced a temporary increase to 42 percent in December as pandemic restrictions were lifted or struck down by court rulings. However, Biden failed to keep the momentum going.

Biden's presidency marred by corruption allegations and lies

Voters have accused Biden of dishonesty, highlighting several instances where he provided misleading information. For instance, Biden claimed to have created 13.4 million new jobs. But job recovery has started under former President Donald Trump, with over 16 million jobs recovered following the earlier lockdowns. In reality, Biden oversaw the creation of approximately just two million new jobs during his first term. Wage growth for low-wage workers was another one of his lies. Biden stated that pay for these workers has grown at the fastest pace in over two decades. However, this statement failed to account for inflation, and when adjusted for real terms, weekly wages have actually fallen by more than three percent since Biden took office in January 2021. The current economic situation has weighed heavily on each voter, with inflation and increasing gas prices affecting their daily lives. In January 2021, inflation was at 1.4 percent, but it has since quadrupled under Biden's administration. Similarly, gas prices have increased from an average of $2.39 per gallon to $3.55 per gallon. The substantial deficit spending under Biden has further corrupted the purchasing power of the dollar and led to increased interest rates. This decrease in value negatively affects those looking to finance major purchases like cars and homes. Besides all the lies and accusations against Biden, a probe conducted in March uncovered that three members of the family received $1.3 million from a Chinese energy company shortly after Biden's term as vice president. Public opinion has been swayed by these allegations, with polls revealing that 83 percent of voters believe the Federal Bureau of Investigation should release its informant file regarding the alleged $5 million bribe. Additionally, a majority of voters expressed their belief that the president indeed accepted the bribe. Learn more about the corrupt activities of Joe Biden and his family at Watch this interview with a political strategist claiming that President Joe Biden is the weakest incumbent candidate.
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