Danger behind the wheel: New MA law allows ILLEGAL ALIENS to get a US driver's license
By ramontomeydw // 2023-07-31
A new Massachusetts law allows illegal aliens to apply for and obtain a U.S. driver's license. Since the law took effect on July 1, over 100,000 illegal immigrants have applied to obtain a driver's license through the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles – an agency under the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. According to state officials, over 300,000 illegal aliens will have a U.S. driver's license by the end of the year. This will cost taxpayers a whopping $28 million. Breitbart noted in a report that the Bay State is the 17th to implement such a law permitting illegals to apply for and obtain a U.S. driver's license, putting it in the same league as California, New York, Colorado and Connecticut – all liberal states. It added that about 316,000 illegal aliens reside in Massachusetts as of writing. Massachusetts voters approved the law through a ballot initiative during the 2022 midterm elections. Fifty-four percent of voters favored the initiative. Former Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican, vetoed the bill in May 2022. However, the Democrat-controlled Massachusetts General Court overrode his veto and put the legislation on track to become law. "The open borders lobby, with the help of elected Democrats, has made securing driver's licenses for illegal aliens a key fixture of their agenda to eliminate privileges meant solely for American citizens and legal immigrants," the outlet noted. "Driver's licenses for illegal aliens are vital for the open borders lobby because often when illegal aliens are pulled over by local police, driving without a driver's license is the first criminal charge that can put them in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody for arrest and deportation."

Illinois lets illegals become cops

While several states allow illegals to apply for driver's licenses, Illinois takes it a step further by allowing them to become police officers. In a piece for the New American magazine, conservative writer Selwyn Duke expounded on the implications of the Prairie State's proposal. He noted that House Bill (HB) 3751 "permits anyone who is not a U.S. citizen but is legally authorized to work in the country under federal law to apply to become a police officer or a sheriff's deputy. Illegals enrolled in the federal government's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would be qualified to become law enforcement officers under the bill. HB 3751 was approved by both houses of the Illinois General Assembly and was forwarded to the desk of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker. Duke warned that "even if [the governor] chooses to veto the bill, the Democratic super-majority in the legislative chambers can override his decision – potentially making it a law without his support." The proposal received much criticism, including from the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police. The organization said in a statement: "What message does this legislation send when it allows people who do not have legal status to become the enforcers of our laws? This is a potential crisis of confidence in law enforcement at a time when our officers need all the public confidence they can get." "The weight of this choice is immense, as it could significantly impact the state's law enforcement landscape. [Moreover], the implications of such a decision are drawing strong reactions from both sides of the immigration debate," Duke continued. "With authorities having entertained Black Lives Matter-like schemes to 'abolish the police,' demonized cops, used them as scapegoats and unfairly imprisoned them – morale has diminished and many officers have left service," Duke said. "But is filling the ranks with foreigners wise? After all, do you really want to be arrested by someone with a badge and a gun – and a foreign accent?" Visit Migrants.news for more stories about illegals being given the same privileges as bona fide citizens and legal immigrants. Watch this footage of illegal aliens in Chicago demanding housing and paid training. This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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