Pro-Trump super PAC requests $60 million donation refund to help pay for Trump's legal fees
By arseniotoledo // 2023-08-01
The political action committee (PAC) that former President Donald Trump is relying on to help pay for his legal expenses, has recently requested a $60 million refund of the donation it had given to another PAC supporting Trump's 2024 White House bid, signaling the deep financial troubles the former president's political persecution has put him under. The PAC in question is the Save America PAC, which has helped provide Trump with support for the more than $40 million he has been forced to spend, thanks to the legal trouble placed in front of him by the Department of Justice of President Joe Biden. The PAC was set up in the days after the November 2020 election and was initially meant to help Trump conduct legal battles against the vote inaccuracies from that election. Between 2021 and 2022, Save America provided Trump with around $16 million to help pay for the legal troubles. (Related: Biden's Justice Department might file a THIRD INDICTMENT against Donald Trump.) Since then, Trump has been indicted twice and has been forced to expand the size of his legal team. His two co-defendants in the case related to the retention of classified material work for him. Save America PAC has reportedly provided another $40 million, in addition to the $16 million it has already shelled out to help pay for Trump's legal fees, with the total estimated legal spending since 2021 ballooning to roughly $56 million. Trump's critics and political opponents have immediately jumped on his legal spending as a way to attack him. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, running for the Republican Party's nomination, called it "disgraceful" that Trump is spending so much on legal battles. "Trump has spent over $60 million on two things: Falsely attacking [Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis] and paying his own legal fees, not a cent on defeating Biden," claimed DeSantis campaign spokesperson Andrew Romeo. "DeSantis' sole focus, by contrast, has been campaigning for this country's future, defeating Biden and reversing the decline of America."

Save America PAC now only has $4 million

Save America PAC began 2022 with $105 million in its accounts. By the beginning of 2023, that number had dwindled down to just $18 million. Now, it has less than $4 million left. If much of this spending was due to the costs of Trump's 2024 presidential campaign this would be fairly normal. But Save America has also shelled out tens of millions of dollars to aid Trump and his associates in their ongoing legal disputes. The super PAC Save America is trying to get a refund from is called the Make America Great Again Inc. As of press time, the super PAC has already sent back around $12.5 million to the group. In a statement, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung argued that the considerable spending the campaign is being forced to make is necessary to defend the former president and members of his inner circle and is all because of Biden's politicization of the Justice Department. "In order to combat these heinous actions by Joe Biden's cronies and to protect these innocent people from financial ruin and prevent their lives from being completely destroyed, the leadership PAC contributed to their legal fees to ensure they have representation against unlawful harassment," said Cheung. To further aid Trump's legal battle, the Trump team has created a legal defense fund to help offset some of the enormous costs. The new fund is expected to cover the bills of some of Trump's current and former aides and employees who are also being targeted by Biden's Justice Department in various investigations into Trump. The legal defense fund will be called the Patriot Legal Defense Fund Inc., and will be led by Trump associate and adviser Michael Glassner. "The weaponized Department of Justice has continued to go after innocent Americans because they worked for President Trump and they know they have no legitimate case," said Cheung. Learn more about Trump's ongoing political persecution at Watch this clip from Newsmax discussing how the additional charges being put against Trump are not likely to hold up in court. This video is from the News Clips channel on

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