Joe Biden bans remaining incandescent light bulbs that weren't already banned by George W. Bush
By ethanh // 2023-08-04
Fake president Joe Biden is creepily obsessed with ice cream, other people's children and babies, and banning things that Americans use every day like gas stoves and incandescent light bulbs. The Biden regime has banned just about all remaining incandescent light bulbs that were not already banned by George W. Bush back in 2007 as part of the Energy Independence and Security Act, which required all household light bulbs to be at least 25 percent more efficient or else be removed from the market. As part of its obsessive "green" energy push, Biden and his cronies enacted a nationwide ban on the sale of specific widely-used light bulbs of the incandescent and halogen varieties, which make up the vast majority of the light bulb market. New Department of Energy (DoE) regulations will force all manufacturers and retailers to abide by the requirement to sell light-emitting diode (LED) alternatives or else face potentially severe federal penalties for non-compliance. (Related: The Biden regime also wants to ban "racist" data that makes non-white people look bad, i.e., black-on-black crime, one of the leading causes of black death.)

Why won't politicians keep their hands off our light bulbs and other consumer products?

Naturally, the Republican side of the aisle is screaming like banshees about the rule change, which again builds upon what Bush, a Republican, already did to get the ball rolling more than 15 years ago. "President [sic] Biden continues to push liberal fantasies through his weaponized federal agencies," complained Rep. Andy Barr (R-Ky.) about the ban. "The Department of Energy should be focused on American energy independence, not on what lightbulbs you can or can't purchase for your home or business." In late 2019 while Donald Trump was still president, the DoE under his leadership issued a temporary halt on the planned phase-out of incandescent light bulbs, stating at the time that "what's saved is not worth it," referring to energy usage. At the time, Trump told Fox News that he personally cannot stand LEDs, mostly because they are too expensive and make him "look orange." It turns out that after Trump left office, the DoE reversed its ruling. As of April 2022, the plan remains to completely eliminate all incandescent and halogen light bulbs from the market and replace them with LEDs and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). A number of environmentalist groups are celebrating the ban, saying that it is "long overdue." Most of the country, however, still uses incandescent and halogen light bulbs. A Residential Energy Consumption Survey found that fewer than half, around 47 percent, of U.S. households prefer mostly or exclusively LEDs while 15 percent still primarily use incandescent or halogen bulbs. Bizarrely, about 12 percent of America prefers to use CFL bulbs even though they are ugly, emitting a horrible white light, and contain high levels of mercury and other poisons, making them really dangerous when they break. LEDs are more popular in higher-income areas, which suggests the new Biden plan will disproportionately harm lower-income Americans. While 54 percent of households earning over $100,000 per year typically opt for LEDs, only 39 percent of households earning less than $20,000 a year choose LEDs as their primary lighting option. The problem with LEDs, in addition to their ugly overly-white color temperature, is the fact that they are harsh and tend to promote and exacerbate migraines, especially in those with sensitivity to such light. To hoodwink the public into accepting the ban, the DoE insists it will save consumers about $3 billion annually on their utility bills, just like the agency claims other "money-saving" bans will save us all money while our liberties get stripped before our very eyes. The Biden regime wants to control every aspect of your life. Learn more at Sources for this article include: