WOMEN UNDER ATTACK: Guests at Save Women's Sports Act signing event were HARASSED by leftist protesters
By ramontomeydw // 2023-08-13
Several guests at an event in Texas centering on a bill protecting women's sports are unfazed despite insults hurled at them by leftist protesters. Mothers Tyler Hightower and Marisa Clark are two such guests. They were invited to attend the Aug. 7 event at Texas Woman's University in Denton, where Gov. Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill (SB 15) – dubbed the Save Women's Sports Act. SB 15 prohibits biological male athletes to compete in women's sports at the collegiate level. Both mothers looked at the signing as a historic moment they wanted their young daughters to be witnesses to. Hightower said she approached her daughters, aged 10 and six, with the idea of attending the event. The two youngsters "jumped on the idea of being able to be a part of history," Hightower told Fox News. However, the women were shocked by the turn of events when they attended the event. Their daughters were subjected to insults and offensive remarks from protesters that gathered outside the building where the event was held. "They are on either side of the walkway, leaning over the rails as far as they can," recounted Clark, who attended with her nine-year-old daughter in tow. "I mean, you've got someone three inches from my daughter's face yelling 'f**k you' in her face – a nine-year-old." "There were inches between myself, my children and the protesters. That's when they started screaming profanities in my face [and] at my children," said Hightower. She added that one demonstrator even told her that "God hates [her] children." Several eyewitnesses attested to the verbal and physical abuse hurled by the unhinged leftist protesters at some of those who attended the bill's ceremonial signing. Michelle Evans, who heads the Austin chapter of the Independent Women's Network, confirmed that the children weren't spared from the vitriol. She herself was assaulted by the protesters, which were estimated to be around 250. "As [the children] were being walked out by their mothers – there was a police officer in front and [at the] back of them – the protesters were getting in the kids' faces; screaming, harassing them, frightening them. It was out of control," Evans said. "I guess the best word to describe them was they were rabid."

SB 15 protects female athletes from biological males

Collegiate swimmer-turned-activist Riley Gaines also graced the event, speaking about her experience. Gaines competed for the University of Kentucky's swimming team, but tied for fifth place with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas from the University of Pennsylvania. "Even in the great state of [Texas], protesters have tried to find a way to smear the celebration of Abbott signing SB 15, which protects female collegiate athletics. But they can't," she said. Gaines also confirmed that the leftist demonstrators shouted, spat and even threw things at attendees – which included the children of Clark and Hightower. (Related: Iowa bans MTF athletes from competing in female sports events in schools.) "That's not what this is about," Hightower said. "It was kind of sad that they took that – an opportunity that was so wonderful – and made that part negative." Despite the negative interaction with protesters, the two mothers told Fox News that they left the Aug. 7 signing of SB 15 still encouraged. "I'm so hopeful about it," Clark said. "I'm so proud that she was a part of this and that more is being done to protect these girls who work their butts off from men who can't compete in the male category and then decided to compete as a woman." "This is something that we are experiencing as parents of younger kids on a daily basis because it is being so pushed [on them]. The one gap that I do still see is that in state-sanctioned sports through the school districts, through all of that, it's not allowed. But through private [entities], it still is. So I still think that there's still some reform to come." Hightower, meanwhile, remarked: "I'm really hopeful that other states follow our footsteps. I don't think the fight is going to be over for a while." Visit Resist.news for more stories about the pushback against biological men in women's sports. Watch this video of Riley Gaines recounting her experience sharing a locker room with transgender Lia Thomas. This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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