Poll: Most voters see Biden as a POOR LEADER who cannot be trusted
By ramontomeydw // 2023-08-24
Most voters see President Joe Biden as a poor leader and an untrustworthy chief executive, according to the results of a new survey. The poll, conducted by Center Square and Noble Predictive Insights (NPI) from July 31 to Aug. 3, sampled 2,500 respondents. Unlike traditional national polls that had a cap of about 1,000 participants, the survey had a larger comprehensive respondent size. Registered voters who leaned Republican, Democratic and Independent were surveyed. According to the poll, 49 percent of voters say Biden is not a strong leader compared to the 36 percent who believe otherwise. Forty-nine percent also say Biden does not have the judgment to serve effectively, compared to the 40 percent who believe he does. Moreover, 47 percent say the incumbent president isn't trustworthy while 40 percent believe he can be trusted. The survey also found that 66 percent of respondents – a solid majority – say the country is headed in the wrong direction under Biden's leadership. Fifty-four percent of respondents – slightly over half – disapprove of the job Biden is doing. (Related: NOTHING NEW HERE: Poll shows 52% of Americans DISAPPROVE of Biden.) NPI CEO Mike Noble noted how Biden's rating is "underwater" with both older and younger voters. He also pointed out that four in 10 Democratic-leaning voters think the country is going in the wrong direction. Seven in 10 independent-leaning voters share the same sentiment, Noble added. According to the NPI founder, two events have played a big part in Biden's tanking approval. The rapid rise in inflation – dubbed "Bidenflation" – during his presidency coupled with the chaotic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan after more than two decades changed people's view of the chief executive for the worse. "It's crazy; when you look at the numbers for Biden, first six or seven months, he was fantastic," Noble said. "And right when the Afghanistan withdrawal happened, he dropped like a rock and he never recovered."

Noble: Biden has "perception issue" based on survey results

The NPI founder and CEO observed that Biden's trustworthiness as reflected in the poll's results was rather surprising. "Historically, I think Joe would have scored really high on that question. But I think due to the Hunter Biden issue, he is viewed more untrustworthy than trustworthy among the overall electorate – which I think is a bit of an issue for him," Noble said. The Biden crime family has been the subject of intense scrutiny over allegations that it benefited from overseas business dealings from the incumbent president's time as vice president under former President Barack Obama. Under the leadership of its chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the House Oversight Committee (HOC) has released witness testimonies, documents from Federal Bureau of Investigation informants and bank records that support these allegations. The HOC argues that the Biden crime family and its associates received about $20 million from entities in China, Ukraine, Romania, Russia and Kazakhstan. The money was coursed to about 20 shell companies before being transferred to the bank accounts of individual family members – including Joe, who was dubbed the "big guy" in electronic correspondences. At the same time, whistleblowers from the Internal Revenue Service testified that the Department of Justice meddled with the investigation into Hunter, Joe's second-eldest child. The presidential son, who allegedly spearheaded the overseas deals, is now facing tax and gun-related charges. These allegations, Noble said, have eroded Americans' trust in the incumbent president. Watch Owen Shroyer of InfoWars outlining some reasons why President Joe Biden's approval rating is dismal in the video below. This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

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