Health Ranger Report: Ann Vandersteel calls on Americans to ASSERT their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS
By kevinhughes // 2023-08-31
Ann Vandersteel has called on Americans to assert their rights as stated in the Constitution if they want to see changes happen in the country. She made this statement during an in-studio interview with the Health Ranger Mike Adams for his "Health Ranger Report." "We have to assert what we know is rightfully ours. Our powers are enumerated very clearly in the Constitution. We have the right, it's written in plain English, there's no legalese in that document, you can read it very simply," she said. "So, Americans need to assert their Constitutional rights. We need to stand up." Vandersteel, who hosts "Right Now" on Brighteon.TV, also urged Americans to read their state's constitution. This, she added, can help them decide if they want to replace or remove their elected representatives from office through an election or a peaceful revolution. (Related: Constitutional scholar David Jose: Americans have power over their government – Brighteon.TV.) She lamented how the people have off-shored the responsibility of governing themselves to people made up of "corporate representatives" such as congressmen and senators. But these politicians, Vandersteel noted, were selected and not really elected. Thus, Americans have to atone for the sin of not doing their civic duty. While Vandersteel acknowledged the need for a revolution, she reiterated that it doesn't have to be violent. It can be a revolution of ideas, ideologies and government – something the Founding Fathers made very clear in the Declaration of Independence. "There is a time when we need to alter or abolish," she told Adams. "Right now, we need to alter and abolish what we have because it's not working for us. It's only working for a very select few."

Biden administration undermining border security

During her appearance on the "Health Ranger Report," Vandersteel also touched on the issue of border security and how the Biden administration is undermining it. According to her, the federal government has abandoned the responsibility of using tax dollars to take care of the country. This is clearly evidenced by the the terrible infrastructure and the dismal condition of various U.S. cities. Vandersteel also pointed out that the open border policy and the illegal immigrants that followed have become a tax burden on the American people. These illegals have also brought disease and ruin to American cities. Moreover, she noted how non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are making billions of dollars through child trafficking. The children involved are being held hostage in warehouses and then moved from facility to facility around the country. With children being placed in the homes of illegal aliens, the reported 85,000 missing children may actually be higher. Worse, Vandersteel recounted receiving reports that the children are being sexually abused. She noted that the federal government, through the people's tax dollars, is financing this horrific human rights violation. President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas are the biggest purveyors of human trafficking, according to the "Right Now" host. The president and chair of the Zelenko Freedom Foundation also referenced Biden's signing of the Declaration of North America, which was also signed by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Under the declaration, the U.S.'s northern and southern borders will be dissolved – turning the country into one big, homogenized continent with Mexico and Canada. "It's one big country, and it's about the free flow of the migrant population in and out," Vandersteel told the Health Ranger. "Of course, we know they are the replacement population." has more stories about Americans' rights under the Constitution. Watch the full conversation between Ann Vandersteel and the Health Ranger Mike Adams on the "Health Ranger Report" below. This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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