Right Now with Ann Vandersteel: John Sabal recounts his legal battle with the ADL and its smear campaign against him – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-10-24
John Sabal, a well-known organizer of patriot events, recounted his legal battle with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its smear campaign against him during a recent episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" on Brighteon.TV. Vandersteel mentioned how the Twitter Files, whose release was sanctioned by Elon Musk, had given the American people the opportunity to look into the soft underbelly of Democratic groups like Media Matters and the ADL. "We have learned that they are nothing more than political assassins weaponized with government money, targeting political opponents by publishing smears and working in collusion with Big Tech," said Vandersteel. "They pick the target, they freeze it, personalize it and polarize it." Despite this, people like Sabal have chosen to fight back. In his case, he used the legal system to take a stand against the ADL. According to an article by the Gateway Pundit, Sabal sued the ADL for $25 million over the group's defamation of him. Sabal, the founder and CEO of The Patriot Voice, is known for putting on top-shelf events featuring the most timely and relevant speakers. A Navy veteran from Texas, Sabal brings American patriots together at his events to inspire them to get involved on grassroots levels in their respective communities. Vandersteel said the ADL, alongside the Southern Poverty Law Center, has been created and weaponized against Americans doing good deeds and revealing the truth. "They want a narrative," remarked Vandersteel. "Anytime you see people doing things that are good and the ADL gets involved, it's because those people were actually over the target, they were onto something."

Sabal: ADL smeared me as an "extremist"

According to Sabal, the ADL used him as a poster boy for its smear campaign. A Sept. 21, 2023 piece by the group named him as one of the major extremist figures in the Lone Star State, which Vandersteel mentioned during the show. (Related: ADL HOAX: Data showing America has a “right-wing violence” problem is completely fabricated.) But the Navy veteran dismissed the ADL's claims as lies, noting his honorable discharge and security clearance. He also has a clean criminal record and has never been arrested in his life. His wife Amy, who also joined the show, noted how John wasn't a violent person – far from what the ADL smears him to be. Sabal told Vandersteel he was shocked to have been branded as anti-Semitic, despite attending a church known to be one of the most pro-Israel in the country. He had no idea about the ADL's article, which even branded The Patriot Voice's hotel events as "extremist events," until his publicist brought it to his attention. However, he noted that the reason why he and his group is on the ADL's radar is because the events they have done were very effective. "I am in those articles and brochures, so it's a very scary thing for me personally. But that's the fight here. If they can do it to me just for putting on patriotic events, they can do it to anybody. Like what [former President Donald] Trump said – they're not really after him, they [are] after you." Follow Smeared.news for more news about the ADL's campaign against American patriots. Watch the Oct. 9 episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" below. "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" airs weekdays at 8-9 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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