Israel held Gaza civilians in "torture camp," new evidence shows
By ethanh // 2024-01-10
Dozens of Palestinian men captured by Israel in Gaza after the October 7 Hamas attack were blindfolded, handcuffed, stripped to their underwear and humiliated in a "torture camp," a new investigation from Tel Aviv-based +972 Magazine has found. +972 Magazine uncovered evidence showing the "systematic abuse and torture by Israeli soldiers" of dozens of Palestinian men who were taken captive by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in December. It was video and photo evidence captured by Israeli soldiers themselves that ended up circulating online and implicating Israel in what appear to be crimes against humanity. Large groups of Palestinian men can be seen in these videos and photos being humiliated in the streets before being hauled off to detention camps. +972 Magazine relied on witness testimony from four Palestinian men who were captured and later released, as well as testimony from 49 other men who spoke with Arabic news outlets about what they witnessed and experienced. "According to these testimonies, Israeli soldiers subjected Palestinian detainees to electric shocks, burned their skin with lighters, spat in their mouths and deprived them of sleep, food and access to bathrooms until they defecated on themselves," the report states. "Many were tied to a fence for hours, handcuffed and blindfolded for most of the day. Some testified to having been beaten all over their bodies and having cigarettes extinguished on their necks or backs. Several people are known to have died as a result of being held in these conditions." (Related: Some people believe that Israel's forced imprisonment and genocide of Palestinians living in Gaza is a test run for the globalists to eventually subdue and enslave all of humanity.)

Israel treating Palestinians like Nazi Germany treated Jews

The report goes on to clarify that the vast majority of the Palestinian men detained were civilians, having nothing to do with the Hamas militants who reportedly launched an attack on Israel on October 7. "[T]he vast majority of these detainees were civilians and did not belong to the Hamas movement, as Israeli security officials later confirmed," +972 Magazine reported. In one instance, Israeli soldiers entered a neighborhood in Gaza and declared that "all civilians must come down and surrender." The soldiers then told their captives that the arrests had to be made because the captives "didn't evacuate to the southern Gaza Strip" as Israel demanded. Israeli soldiers then, in some cases, decided to light Palestinian civilian homes on fire, prompting one such homeowner to speak out that IDF burned down his house "in front of my eyes." The fire in question ended up spreading uncontrollably, forcing soldiers to move their Palestinian captives further away from the flames. While standing in front of dozens of Palestinian men who were seated and handcuffed on the street, an Israeli commander holding a megaphone then declared: "The Israeli army has arrived. We destroyed Gaza [City] and Jabalia on your heads. We occupied Jabalia. We are occupying all of Gaza. Is that what you want? Do you want Hamas with you?" So far, upwards of 22,000 Palestinians have died at the hands of IDF since the October 7 incident. The vast majority of these 22,000 are women and children, which many say amounts to genocide. South Africa, a member of the BRICS alliance, recently filed a suit against Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICJ) under the Genocide Convention. "Israel is a state of criminals and liars," one of our readers noted on a story about the Israel-Gaza conflict. "It was made by British colonialism and supported by the European countries and the USA. It did not exist before 1948." The latest news about the Israel-Gaza conflict can be found at Sources for this article include: