Victims of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 injections were CENSORED by Facebook and YouTube, inquiry reveals
By ethanh // 2024-01-15
Victims of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" made by the University of Oxford and drug giant AstraZeneca are speaking out about the censorship they are experiencing on social media platforms Facebook (Meta) and YouTube (Google). Repeated attempts to share their harrowing stories of jab injuries are being stifled as Big Tech continues to silence whistleblowers like one man, a father of two, who suffered a life-altering blood clot that led to permanent brain damage after taking AstraZeneca's viral vector COVID jab in 2021. The man in question is currently pursuing legal action against AstraZeneca in the High Court in London, as is the husband of a woman who similarly became injured and ended up dying after getting injected with the AstraZeneca jab. There are many other people just like this with similar stories who have yet to pursue legal action against AstraZeneca, but they are trying to speak out online about it, only to be censored by Big Tech. The censorship brigade is so strong online that victims are being forced to use coded, cryptic language just to get their message across. This is the only way that some online groups are able to survive without getting the axe from their hosting platforms. (Related: Did you know that Pfizer's mRNA [modRNA] COVID injection never underwent any kind of legitimate drug trial before being unleashed?)

Facebook blocks COVID jab victims for speaking out

On Facebook, a private group founded by Charlet Crichton called "UK CV Family," is one such group that has to use terms like "CV" to refer to COVID vaccines while avoiding the censors. UK CV Family currently serves as a support network for around 1,000 people who say they have been harmed or bereaved by COVID jabs. Crichton herself experienced a severe reaction to the AstraZeneca jab that forced her to abandon her 13-year-long sports therapy business due to prolonged bed rest. Established in November 2021 at the height of Operation Warp Speed, UK CV Family has since earned the status of core participant in the United Kingdom's "Covid Inquiry." It allows members like Crichton who claim to have suffered from myocarditis post-injection to testify in the inquiry. To prevent "misuse" of the social media platform, Facebook has blocked Crichton from commenting in her own group. She even faced a temporary ban from Meta for allegedly not meeting the company's "community standards." Crichton says that some members of UK CV Family are also experiencing shadow banning, meaning their posts are visible to themselves but not necessarily to others in the group. Over at YouTube, the Google-owned video streaming platform censored a video featuring lawyers discussing vaccine safety at the Covid Inquiry, citing a breach of the platform's medical misinformation policy. Another video featuring Stephen Bowie, a Scottish Vaccine Injury Group member who suffered a spinal stroke and blood clots after getting jabbed for COVID, received a similar warning about a breach of YouTube's medical misinformation policy. "I set up the group because I was finding people online in the UK like me," said Crichton, 42, about why she decided to set up UK CV Family. "And we felt we didn't have anyone to talk to about it apart from each other." UK CV Family is one of three vaccine bereaved groups that has been granted core participant status in the Covid Inquiry, meaning all three are allowed to provide evidence for consideration. The group clearly states that it is "not anti-vax," and even asks its members to "refrain from posting anything that suggests otherwise." "We very quickly learned that we had to self-censor, otherwise we'd be shut down," Crichton says. The latest news about the fallout from Operation Warp Speed can be found at Sources for this article include: