Fauci admits physical distancing rule implemented during pandemic NOT based on science
By avagrace // 2024-01-17
Former White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci has admitted that the six-foot physical distancing rule that emerged during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic isn't based on science. He made this admission on Jan. 10, the second day of his testimony before the House COVID-19 Select Subcommittee. According to Fauci, the "six feet apart" rule promoted by federal health authorities was likely not based on any data. He characterized the development of the physical distancing rule by saying "it sort of just appeared." But Red State Editor Emeritus Bill Crews begged to differ. Back in March 2021, he revealed that the physical distancing rule was "based on a high school science project by the daughter of a scientist" at the Sandia National Laboratories. Crews continued: "Like the rest of the measures used during the COVID-19 panic, the primary purpose was controlling people, not keeping them safe." Fauci also admitted before House COVID-19 Select Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) and other committee members that vaccine mandates could have the opposite effect. The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) said the move to require COVID-19 injections could increase vaccine hesitancy in the future. "When you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bulls**t and they get vaccinated," Fauci once said. He also advised American universities to impose vaccine mandates on their students when these institutions went to him for advice on the matter. "Fauci's transcribed interview revealed systemic failures in our public health system and shed light on serious procedural concerns with our public health authority," Wenstrup said in a statement. "It is clear that dissenting opinions were often not considered or suppressed completely. Should a future pandemic arise, America’s response must be guided by scientific facts and conclusive data."

Fauci now claims lab leak theory is POSSIBLE

Moreover, the erstwhile NIAID head acknowledged that the lab leak hypothesis for the origin of COVID-19 is not a conspiracy theory. According to the hypothesis, COVID-19 leaked from a laboratory owned by the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the city of Wuhan – capital of China's central Hubei province – and not from the Huanan Seafood Market as originally claimed. Fauci's acknowledgement of the lab leak theory comes almost four years after he promoted the publication of the now-infamous "proximal origin" paper. The said study attempted to vilify and disprove the lab leak hypothesis he now deems valid. (Related: Congressional investigation finds that Dr. Fauci "prompted" scientists to fabricate a paper to try to disprove covid-19 lab leak theory.) The infectious disease expert denied allegations that he visited the Central Intelligence Agency during the pandemic, and denied influencing its investigation into the origins of COVID-19. But according to Crews, Fauci "played semantics with the definition of a 'lab leak' in an attempt to cover up the inaccurate conclusions of [the] 'proximal origin' [paper]." He continued: "Fauci can't defend the conclusion of this publication, while simultaneously acknowledging that a lab leak is possible." "Fauci was intimately involved in the decision to shut down public discussion of the Wuhan lab leak theory, which was always the most logical explanation for the origin of COVID-19. He and [former National Institutes of Health Director Dr.] Francis Collins worked to discredit and largely silence the scientists who authored the 'Great Barrington Declaration' – which, in retrospect, would have done a much better job of mitigating the effects of COVID-19 than the travesty inflicted on us." Visit FauciTruth.com for more stories about Dr. Anthony Fauci. Watch this Sky News Australia clip about Fauci admitting he conducted gain-of-function research in China that led to the COVID-19 pandemic. This video is from the LeeYoungF4ST channel on Brighteon.com.

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