Biden CAN'T BEAT Donald Trump in November, says Andrew Yang
By ramontomeydw // 2024-01-24
Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang believes that incumbent President Joe Biden cannot beat former President Donald Trump in the November 2024 elections. Yang made this remark on Jan. 22, a day before the New Hampshire primaries. According to him, Biden isn't the right candidate to beat Trump in November. Yang instead endorsed Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and began campaigning alongside him. According to the former candidate, Phillips "represents the best chance" to defeat Trump and predicted that the Minnesota congressman's campaign "is going to see significant momentum." He continued that an electoral race dominated by 80-year-olds does not reflect the choices of most Americans. "Incumbent presidents historically get 80 to 84 percent of the vote in New Hampshire, [but] I think that [Phillips] is going to do very well," Yang told the Epoch Times during a campaign event in the Granite State. "Biden is going to do considerably worse than the norm for an incumbent president, and I think that that should really spur conversation. The American people deserve a Democratic nominee who will defeat Trump in the fall, and the numbers show that Biden is not that candidate." Yang did not provide a direct response when asked whether he would still support Biden if Phillips does not secure the nomination. Based on earlier reports, the Democratic Party appears to be focused on securing a second term for the incumbent, who was elected in 2020 amid widespread vote fraud. The former candidate ultimately remarked that he would support any candidate who could prevent Trump's return to the White House. "Unfortunately, I think Biden was the right candidate in 2020. I do not think he's the right candidate in 2024," said Yang. The tech entrepreneur ran in 2020 on the promise of universal basic income. However, he withdrew from the presidential race in February of that year. Biden eventually secured the Democratic Party's nomination and was elected as president in that year's elections.

Phillips: Democratic voters must consider a different choice to defeat Trump

The 54-year-old Phillips, who has served three terms as a congressman for the North Star State, announced his candidacy last October. According to the Epoch Times, "he hopes to boost his numbers by appealing to New Hampshire’s sizable population of independent voters in the state’s Democratic primary." Aside from Yang, billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman also endorsed Phillips. The founder of Pershing Square Capital Management said he donated $1 million to the We Deserve Better political action committee, which backs the congressman. In a Jan. 13 post on X, Ackman commented that the Minnesota congressman would be a "truly outstanding President of the United States." He continued: "This is by far the largest investment I have ever made in someone running for office, and I am making this investment at a high-risk but critically important moment for his campaign." Last November, Phillips pointed out that Democratic voters must consider a different choice instead of Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination. "As a member of [the] House Democratic leadership, I supported and promoted the Biden agenda. I campaigned for him, voted for him and respect him," Phillips wrote on X at the time. "But how can anyone read this and conclude he's positioned to defeat Trump? It's delusional." (Related: Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips: It's DELUSIONAL for anyone to think Biden can beat Trump in 2024.) Despite his disdain toward Biden, the Minnesota congressman isn't sympathetic to Trump either. He warned that it would be a "crisis moment for American democracy" if the former president wins a second term. Phillips said: "I will not sit still and be quiet in the face of numbers that are so clearly saying that we're going to be facing an emergency next November." has more on why Trump is winning and Biden is failing. Watch this One America News report that tackles whether Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) can beat President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination.
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