Call for TYRANNY: WHO head says we need global compliance (obedience) to prepare for future pandemics
By isabelle // 2024-01-24
The recent annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, was filled with the usual scary-yet-predictable globalist rhetoric we see every year, but some especially unsettling remarks came from World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Speaking in a session called “Disease X” about future virus outbreaks, he said that the world must prepare for a “common enemy” and that “without a shared response, we will face the same problem as COVID.” His solution? A trillion dollars in funding and a global agreement by countries around the world to hand control over to WHO. “You may even call Covid the first disease X, and it may happen again,” Tedros told the globalists in attendance. “Of course there are some people who say, oh, this may create panic. No, it's better, actually, to anticipate something that may happen, because it has happened in our history many times, and prepare for it,” he added. The hypothetical virus they want to prepare for would be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19, killing as many as 50 million people around the world, and although it isn’t believed to exist yet, they are pushing the world to come up with a proactive plan of action for it. For example, he said an early warning system and a plan to keep health infrastructure from being overburdened could help keep deaths down. He said that the WHO has partnered with other global organizations to put initiatives in place to prepare, including a pandemic fund to help with resources and an mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub to address inequities in vaccine distribution.

WHO pushing for adoption of controversial Pandemic Agreement

The WHO head also said that the group’s controversial “Pandemic Agreement” must be adopted globally in order to better prepare for the next pandemic. Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs Monica Crowley wrote on X: "Just in time for the election, a new contagion to allow them to implement a new WHO treaty, lock down again, restrict free speech and destroy more freedoms." The deadline for adopting the legislation is just a few months away, and many nations are balking at the amount of control the WHO wants over how they handle their response to virus outbreaks. Tedros implored them to put their national interests aside, saying: “This is a common global interest, and very narrow national interests should not come in the way.” He added: “Of course national interests are natural, but they could be difficult and affect the negotiations.” Once the Pandemic Treaty takes effect, all of the WHO’s member nations must abide by its stipulations. It puts the agency in charge of prevention, preparation and response, and their directives would override every nation’s laws, including the U.S. Constitution. Dr. Meryl Nass, a biological warfare epidemiologist and internist, has warned about the human rights protections the treaty will take away. She said it will be used to enforce the use of digital passports and censorship, taking away people’s freedom of speech. It will also compel governments to push a central “official” narrative. In addition, the WHO would be able to dictate which medications countries can prescribe for the disease. In addition, Tedros would be able to declare pandemics as he sees fit, even if it is only a threat rather than a legitimate outbreak, in order to gain this control. He would even be able to issue worldwide lockdowns for pandemics and climate change emergencies under the treaty. Sources for this article include: