Kari Lake demands resignation of "corrupt" GOP chair for trying to BRIBE her to stay out of politics
By ethanh // 2024-01-25
A recording has emerged of Arizona GOP chair Jeff DeWit trying to bribe Senate candidate Kari Lake to stay out of politics for the next two years. And now, Lake wants DeWit to resign. In the recording, which was captured last March, DeWit, 51, is heard asking Lake to name her price not to run for office, warning her that "there are very powerful people who want to keep you out." After then asking Lake not to mention the conversation to anyone, DeWit made his initial offer. "So the ask I got today from back east was: 'Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?'" DeWit said, shocking Lake who was taken aback by the statement. "This is about defeating Trump and I think that's a bad, bad thing for our country," Lake responded to DeWit's first proposal, prompting him to state it differently a second time. "Just say, is there a number at which –," DeWit proceeded to reframe the statement before being interrupted by Lake. "I can be bought?" Lake then asked. "That's what it's about?" "You can take a pause for a couple of years," DeWit shot right back. "You can go right back to what you're doing." Furious about what she was hearing, Lake repeatedly shut DeWit down, telling him that she will not pull out of the race even for a billion dollars. "This is not about money, it's about our country," Lake then said. (Related: By all appearances, Democrat Katie Hobbs stole the Arizona governor's seat from Kari Lake, who probably would have won the election minus the fraud and rigging.)

Time to clean house politically

After the recording was picked up by the Daily Mail (United Kingdom) and published, Lake came out publicly to call for DeWit to resign from his position immediately. "He's got to resign," Lake told an NBC reporter during Donald Trump's New Hampshire primary victory party. "We can't have somebody who is corrupt and compromised running the Republican Party." The world now wonders: Who are these "very powerful people" who purchase U.S. politicians, Mr. DeWit? Eager ears want to hear the truth for once. "I'm not shocked this is happening, but I'm shocked reading about it," wrote one commenter about the news, expressing shock that it even made the news cycle. "These are the 'Republicans' that always sabotage the party," responded another. "I'll bet DeWit was running around four years ago saying 'fairest and most secure election,' too." "Boeing is definitely one of the companies buying politicians," expressed another. "Too bad they weren't focused on designing and building safe aircraft instead." "This is obvious election interference," said someone else about DeWit's propositions in the recording. "Arrest warrants, trial and jail time – he'll sing like a bird. But no one will ask him who his powerful friends back east are." The latest news about the dry rot of American politics can be found at Corruption.news. Sources for this article include: ZeroHedge.com NaturalNews.com