Poll: 31% of British youths think "climate change" is DELIBERATELY EXAGGERATED
By avagrace // 2024-01-30
Thirty-one percent of teenagers 13 to 17 years old in the United Kingdom think "climate change" is being "purposefully exaggerated." This was the finding of a survey commissioned by the British nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). According to the Guardian, CCDH researchers gathered a dataset of text transcripts from 12,058 climate-related YouTube videos. The videos, which came from 96 channels, were posted between Jan. 1, 2018 and Sept. 30, 2023. The researchers also looked at the results of a nationally representative survey conducted by polling company Survation. This poll found that 31 percent of British respondents aged between 13 and 17 agreed with the statement "Climate change and its effects are being purposefully over-exaggerated." "The report … [also] shows a shift from the 'old denial' – that climate change is not happening or not anthropogenic – to the 'new denial.' These new denial narratives that question the science and solutions for climate change constituted 35 percent of all climate denial on YouTube in 2018, but now represent the large majority – 70 percent. Over the same period, the share of old denial has dropped from 65 percent to 30 percent of total claims," the Guardian said. CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed remarked: "Scientists have won the battle to inform the public about climate change and its causes. [This] is why those opposed to climate action have cynically switched focus to undermining confidence in solutions and in science itself."

Undermining "science" – or exposing junk science?

Australian blogger Joanne Nova pointed out that the CCDH's finding is a ray of optimism in a world filled to the brim with climate alarmists. "Despite being raised on non-stop media propaganda and being fed the climate bible in school, one-third of teenagers have somehow figured it out anyhow," she wrote. "Even the systematic censorship on YouTube and Google where skeptics are downranked, delegitimized and demonetized hasn’t stopped the truth from getting through to some of the most impressionable and vulnerable minds." (Related: All the facts you need to debunk 'climate change' scammers (Video.)) Nova slammed academics and the Guardian journalists for refusing to step outside and observe what is happening. According to her, they only "study opinion polls and trends in fashionable words, which is why they have no idea what is going on." "Their weapons-grade name-calling campaign has fooled themselves. Who are these mythical denier creatures who don't think we have a climate?" She also pointed to the CCDH, the nonprofit that commissioned the poll. According to her, it was founded by a policy advisor to the U.K. Labor Party. "They're so tight with the Labor Party that one board member had to resign to become chief of staff to the current Labor leader Kier Starmer," Nova wrote. "That's how 'non-political' the CCDH is – practically a subdivision of the Labor Party." Moreover, the science TV show host-turned-blogger noted how the CCDH gets "about $1.5 million dollars to save the world, but mostly uses it to silence people who point out how stupid climate change policies are." "If only they had evidence, they could just tell the kids about science instead, eh? And if they asked students if climate change was more religion than science, and mostly done for money, the answer would probably be a lot higher than 31 percent," Nova said. Visit GreenTyranny.news for more stories like this. Watch this video about climate change and the Great Reset. This video is from the LauraLynnTV channel on Brighteon.com.

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