Trump warns: There is now a 100% chance of major terror attacks in the U.S., thanks to Biden's OPEN BORDER policies
By arseniotoledo // 2024-01-31
Former President Donald Trump has warned that the Biden administration's open border policies are making it certain that the U.S. will experience major terror attacks perpetrated by illegal immigrants. "Just three years ago, we had the strongest and safest border in U.S. history. Today, we have a catastrophe waiting to happen," Trump wrote in his account on the social media platform Truth Social. "It is the worst border in the history of the world, an open wound in our once great country." (Related: Intelligence community veterans warn of "imminent danger" facing the U.S. due to MIGRANT INVASION at the southern border.) Through this so-called "open wound," Trump warned that "terrorists are pouring in" unchecked from "all over the world." He continued: "There is now a 100 percent chance that there will be major terror attacks in the United States. Close the border!" Trump also used his Truth Social profile to send a message to Republicans in both the Senate and the House of Representatives to vote against a bipartisan deal that the Biden administration claims could address the crisis at the southern border. "A bad border deal is far worse than no border deal," Trump wrote. He pointed out that the Democrats have turned the border and the thousands of illegal immigrants crossing it into a "weapon of mass destruction," and that the U.S. went from having the "best" border in history to the "worst" in just three years, thanks to the Biden administration. The Biden administration and members of the Senate supportive of the border deal claim it would be one of the harshest immigration bills passed by Congress in a century. In exchange, Biden and the Democrats would be able to push through more taxpayer-funded military aid to Ukraine as well as to other nations like Taiwan. "It's not going to [pass], and I'll fight it all the way," said Trump during a Jan. 27 campaign event in Nevada.

Speaker Johnson: Border deal "dead on arrival"

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who said he frequently talks with Trump regarding the border, has come out in support of the former president's wishes. He called the deal "dead on arrival" and doubled down on it in a later statement, claiming that the terms on the table were insufficient to stop illegal border crossings. While the text of the border bill has not yet been released, details that have leaked to the press suggest that it will include a measure that will lower the cap on the number of people who can apply for asylum at the southern border each day. It would effectively shut down the border if the number of migrant encounters hits 8,500 in a single day or a daily average of 5,000 in a week. These restrictions are only temporary, and would only remain until the number of illegal crossings drops and remains low for an extended period. The deal would also expedite the asylum process, allowing genuine asylum seekers to receive the good news they have been waiting for within six months while fast-tracking the expulsion of fraudulent asylum seekers. Trump's opposition has also raised concerns among a small group of Republicans – among them Utah Sen. Mitt Romney. "The border is a very important issue for Donald Trump," Romney told reporters in a statement wherein he claimed Trump wanted to keep the border crisis to continue until November so that he could then take credit for solving it. "The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem – because he wants to blame Biden for it – is really appalling." Learn more about the ongoing border crisis at Watch Health Ranger Mike Adams and retired U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer discuss Trump's platform on border security and immigration in the "Health Ranger Report" below. This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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