MORE WAR CRIMES: Israeli soldiers dressed up as fake MEDICS to kill Palestinian patients at hospital in West Bank
By ethanh // 2024-02-01
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers were caught committing more war crimes this week at Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, West Bank. Dozens of Israeli soldiers disguised as doctors, patients and other Palestinian civilians stormed the medical facility with assault rifles and proceeded to kill three people. CCTV footage confirms the raid, which was led by about a dozen Israeli soldiers. The three men killed have been named as Mohammed Jalamneh and two brothers named Basil and Mohammed al-Ghazawi. "Israel's crimes will not go unanswered," said Hamas in response to the attack, adding that these latest Israeli killings of Palestinian civilians are a "continuation of the occupation's ongoing crimes against our people from Gaza to Jenin." (Related: Unless Congress agrees to send billions more U.S. tax dollars to Israel and Ukraine, Biden will never secure America's southern border with Mexico.)

Ruthless civilian killings

Israeli media reported that the raid took about 10 minutes and occurred in the early morning on Tuesday at 5:30 am. As part of his disguise, at least one of the Israeli soldiers was speaking Arabic during the raid. The Israeli military is claiming that one of the three deceased was a member of Hamas. Large parts of Ibn Sina Hospital are now in ruins with beds overturned and blood stains all over the floor and atop medical equipment. According to Tawfiq al-Shoubaki, the hospital's medical director, some of the Israeli commandos who led the raid were dressed as nurses. Their weapons were disguised until the moment they entered the hospital and started firing them, he added. At the time when he was killed, Basil al-Ghazawi was receiving treatment for wounds he sustained on October 25 following a missile explosion in the Jenin cemetery. "No gunshots were heard during their storming of the wounded man's room," al-Shoubaki said. "They immediately withdrew after a few minutes, and the hospital staff found the three young men covered in their blood, without any indication that they were alive, and the bullets were concentrated in the head." These three assassinations mark a serious escalation of Israel's evolving approach to ethnically cleansing Gaza. When missile strikes and drone bombings are not enough, IDF soldiers are now dressing up as Palestinian civilians to trick their targets. "They [Israeli forces] used weapons fitted with silencers," hospital director Naji Nazzal told AFP, adding that the attack took place in the hospital's rehabilitation ward. In a statement, the Palestinian Health Ministry denounced the attack, emphasizing that healthcare facilities have special protections under international law. "The minister of health calls urgently on the United Nations General Assembly, international institutions and human rights organisations to end the daily string of crimes committed by the occupation [Israel] against our people and health centres," the ministry said. Since the start of Israel's war on Gaza on October 7, Israeli forces have targeted Ibn Sina Hospital on several occasions. Last November, Israeli forces and tanks surrounded the facility, as well as at least three other hospitals in the area. "Israeli forces turned up at Ibn Sina Hospital, one of the biggest in the occupied West Bank," said an Al Jazeera correspondent. "They turned up in a raid where they asked medical staff to put their hands up and evacuate the hospital." The latest news about Israel's war on Gaza can be found at Sources for this article include: