TREASON: Rep. Ilhan Omar's "SOMALIA FIRST" speech reveals how she has ABANDONED her constituents to prioritize interests of foreign nation
By richardbrown // 2024-02-04
Representative Ilhan Omar, a Minnesota Democrat born in Somalia, sparked controversy after being recorded addressing a Somali audience. In her speech, Omar emphasized a shared identity, stating that they are "people of the same blood" who prioritize being Somalians first and Muslims second. She expressed her role in protecting Somalia's interests within the U.S. system. The context of Omar's speech stems from a growing tension within Somalia and the global Somali diaspora concerning an agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland. Somaliland, an officially unrecognized but self-governing region in northern Somalia, has been a source of contention. During her address, Omar highlighted the unity of the Somali people, asserting that Somalia should remain undivided and expressing solidarity with those opposing Somaliland's independence. She went further to suggest that the Somali community in the U.S. could influence the country's stance on Somaliland and hinted at the possibility of addressing historical territorial claims, including regions in modern-day Kenya and Ethiopia. Omar has faced criticism for her statements, with some interpreting them as supporting irredentist claims and challenging the sovereignty of neighboring nations. (Related: Ilhan Omar accused of being an asset for Qatar and accessing sensitive information for Iranian government.) The representative has defended her remarks, claiming that outsiders' interpretations are "completely off" and reiterating her commitment to standing in "solidarity" with those opposed to Somaliland's independence. The controversial statements elicited an angry response. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ignited a political firestorm by urging the expulsion of Omar from both Congress and the United States. "Expel from Congress, denaturalize and deport!" the DeSantis wrote on X next to a clip of Omar's remarks. The controversy erupted after Omar delivered a speech in Somali to community leaders in Minneapolis, criticizing the Ethiopian government's plans for a sea access deal with Somaliland. According to a translated video shared by DeSantis, Omar suggested that the U.S. government should heed the orders of Somalis in the U.S. and prioritize Somalia's interests.

Omar: U.S. government must do what Somalians want and nothing else

Omar said that "the U.S. government will only do what Somalians in the U.S. tell them to do. They must do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interest of Somalia." "The U.S. is a country where one of your daughters is in Congress to represent your interest," added Omar, referring to herself. "For as long as I am in the U.S. Congress, Somalia will never be in danger, its waters will not be stolen by Ethiopia or others. Sleep in comfort, knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the U.S. system." Omar defended her remarks, claiming they were misinterpreted and accusing critics of engaging in propaganda. She emphasized the unity of Somalis in Somalia and the diaspora, asserting their right as taxpayers in the U.S. to influence the government. Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000 and is the first Somali American in Congress. The congresswoman's comments also targeted Ethiopia and Kenya, accusing them of stealing territory from Somalia and expressing a desire to liberate occupied territories. Somaliland declared independence in 1991 but lacks recognition from any UN member state or international organization. Omar's statements drew strong condemnation, with House Majority Whip Tom Emmer calling for her resignation, describing her comments as "appalling" and a violation of her oath of office. DeSantis joined the chorus of critics, prompting Omar to respond with a jab, accusing him of preparing for future failures. As this controversy unfolds, Omar remains a polarizing figure, navigating criticism and defending her stance on Somali interests within the broader context of U.S. politics. Watch Rep. Ilhan Omar telling her audience that Somalia calls the shots. This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on

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