Heartless globalists CELEBRATE demise of poor people who can no longer afford basics like electricity, food: "It gives us some hope and optimism, actually"
By ethanh // 2024-02-05
As the world's poor continue to suffer under the crippling boot of globalist tyranny, the globalists in attendance at a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) discussion on the Global Risks Report 2024 celebrated their demise. Skyrocketing energy and food costs are actually a good thing, according to John Scott, head of sustainability at the Zurich Insurance Group, who said suffering poor people align with the globalists' decarbonization goals. In speaking about the "cost of living crisis," Scott expressed satisfaction over the fact that "most people's electricity bills are so high that they're desperately trying to find some way of getting off the grid or removing themselves from the cost of purchasing electricity." "I think it's these kinds of things that, you know, it gives us some hope and optimism, actually, that we can deal with some of these global risks when we see the global cooperation at an international level not really working so well." (Related: The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is on the chopping block because it is getting in the way of the World Health Organization's [WHO] Pandemic Treaty plans for global domination.)

The globalists want you dead so they can live in luxury

As for the alleged 1.5-degree increase in the earth's temperature that is supposedly occurring, Scott emphasized that addressing this requires "individual and collective action," including by forcing poor people to eat bugs. "Perhaps some of you have changed your diet," he said. "Maybe you've moved away from meat. Maybe you [go] to a lower carbon diet. Some of you have maybe been making choices about your travel for the coming year, reducing your carbon footprint that way. Maybe some of you have even thought about buying an electric vehicle." All of these things, while pleasing to Scott, "are just drops in the ocean." However, if all of the world's poor comply with making these kinds of changes, then "this really starts moving the needle in terms of decarbonization, so consumer behavior [is] a very interesting risk mitigation." Scott's perspective is similar to that of Crispian Olver, the executive director of South Africa's Presidential Climate Commission. Last year, Olver stated in an interview that poor people should basically have their electricity cut in order to meet "the 2030 target." Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi went a step further by stating that hunger is "a price worth paying for a country's progress," chastising the Egyptian people who put eating over progress. "Don't you Egyptians dare say you would rather eat than build and progress," el-Sisi said. "If the price of the nation's progress and prosperity is to go hungry and thirsty, then let us not eat or drink." "Don't undermine the cause of our nation and make us the world's laughing stock. Stand fast and transform the cruel circumstances we are going through into a gift. The harder you stand fast, the sooner it [the economic crises] will pass." Then there were the statements made by Lee White, the environmental minister of the tiny coastal African nation of Gabon, who says more people need to die in order to meet climate change goals. "With everything that's happened in the last year in the Horn of Africa and Pakistan – those places really count," White said. "But with the once-in-a-500-year drought in Europe, fires in France and the New York subway becoming Niagara Falls, we might be at a point where things are getting bad enough that developed nations start taking the climate more seriously." "It’s a horrible thing to say, but until more people in developed nations are dying because of the climate crisis, it's not going to change." Will the globalists succeed in eliminating the poor and taking over the world? Find out more at Globalism.news. Sources for this article include: WinePressNews.com NaturalNews.com