Social media influencers pushing ASSISTED SUICIDE on children: "It's OK to pass away today"
By ethanh // 2024-02-05
A disturbing video aimed at children is circulating on social media, encouraging them to opt for assisted suicide because "it's OK to pass away today." The alleged "satire" video, or so its creators later claimed, features Muppet-like cartoon characters singing songs to children about how euthanasia is A-OK, and that children who opt for it will get to be placed into a cool urn after cremation. "It's always hard to say goodbye, but Uncle Urny says, 'It's OK to pass away!'" the creepy video says in one portion. One might assume that the video is aimed at children who are already dying, but apparently it is showing up on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Bitchute and various other platforms. Some social media users also say the video is appearing in the advertising break on other videos. "So all children allowed to visit video platforms are being exposed to this," noted All News Pipeline. (Related: Every day, Canada euthanizes 36 citizens, according to the latest data.)

There's no dignity in children dying

Though the video in question is often labeled as "satire" in the description, its contents are anything but a joke. Impressionable youth who stumble upon it could be enticed to kill themselves, thinking the funny cartoon characters they see encouraging this will play with them in the afterlife. One encouraging piece of news is that YouTube, upon becoming aware of the video's presence, pulled it from the platform for "violating YouTube's Community Guidelines." As for other streaming platforms, the video is presumably still streaming. "This is clearly yet another facet of the multi-pronged attack against us, with our children being used as an attack vector," wrote one Bitchute user who uploaded the video, but with a warning attached. Supposedly, the video was created as part of a "dark humor" project, but what could be less funny than encouraging innocent babes to play with death? Who of sound, let alone moral, mind would ever produce such a thing, and with cartoon characters no less? The speed at which the video in question went viral suggests that whoever is behind it intended for it to spread quickly and vastly, ensuring it would be seen by as many children as possible before likely getting pulled. Perhaps the Canadian government is behind the video, seeing as how "Medical Assistance in Dying" (MAiD), as they call it, is one of Canada's most liberal and well-known social policies, allowing for pretty much anyone to die through euthanasia if they so choose. A group called "Terminal Wellness" is apparently behind the video, though nowhere on the group's website is it ever suggested that the video is satire. The site looks like a medical site, but extra digging revealed that it is actually "a dark romantic comedy that is a satire of our completely messed up healthcare and political systems ..." "The only way to know when visiting the website itself that this is supposed to be satire, is if you click the ad ink," All News Pipeline says. "Assisted suicide is now fodder to be joked about, just another step towards being like Canada liberals, where they want to open up assisted suicide for 12-year-old children." While there is certainly something to be said for using satire to make a point, messing around with suicide in a cartoonish format aimed at children – and basically promoting suicide to children – is moral repugnance encapsulated. "The scum that promotes this trash are morbid demon possessed pigs," one angry commenter wrote about the video. "Even if it were satire, it is still distasteful and detestable to suggest such immoral ugliness. Many have been given over to reprobate minds." The push to expand assisted suicide throughout the West is a globalist depopulation ploy. Learn more at Sources for this article include: