World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders helping advance its quest for global governance
By isabelle // 2024-02-19
The World Economic Forum recently attracted a number of headlines related to the topics that were openly discussed at its yearly gathering in Davos, but its real moves take place behind the scenes, where the group works to chip away at national sovereignty in its effort to create global governance that benefits the chosen elite while the rest of us must be content eating bugs. To be fair, a lot of what we do hear about the meetings is alarming in its own right, such as their endless calls for mass vaccination campaigns or leveraging climate change as a means of controlling people. There’s a very condescending air about much of it, with insiders insisting they know more than the rest of the world about what is best for us and that we need these enlightened people to show us the way. But it’s the “closed rooms and whispered conversations” that hold the real power at the Davos meetings, The Expose writes, noting that they are “dictating terms and policies that serve their interests while masquerading as global improvement initiatives.” Through programs like Young Global Leaders, the World Economic Forum is working hard to produce its next generation of loyalists to its global agenda under the pretense of leadership development. It also gains influence by creating alliances across strategic sectors such as healthcare, cybersecurity and climate change, doing its best to position itself as a vital part of global government that the world needs to guide its policies. The Young Global Leaders (YGL) are nominated by alumni and can be vetoed during the selection process. They must be highly accomplished and under the age of 38 at the time of their acceptance. Graduates of the program are trained on the World Economic Forum’s worldview, and you can find its alumni in a number of strategic and powerful roles throughout the world, where they are working to advance the WEF’s agenda. They are accomplishing this by implementing globalist policies, promoting social and environmental initiatives, and promoting the idea of economic globalization.

YGL alumni can be found advancing WEF causes in politics, business and media

International political figures like French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have supported initiatives that align with the WEF’s agenda, and their imprint can also be felt in the U.S. The Expose notes: “In the United States, the Biden administration’s corridors are whispered to be lined with WEF disciples, further blurring the lines between elected governance and global governance by proxy.” Meta CEO and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, French President Emmanuel Macron, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russian President Vladmir Putin, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are all Young Global Leaders alumni; some of them were part of the program when it was known as Global Leaders for Tomorrow. Most of them participated well before the peak of their influence. Interestingly, many YGL graduates rarely, if ever, discuss their experience, which makes you wonder just why they feel the need to be so secretive about it. The number of elected representatives, media figures and business leaders who have ties to this program is extremely worrying, and it poses a major threat to the concepts of democratic governance and national sovereignty. The Expose notes that the Young Global Leaders “are not merely influencers but architects of a new world order, where the many are led by the few, under the watchful eye of those who once dreamed of a world remade.” Sources for this article include: