Russia is flashing red, the West better pay attention
By newseditors // 2024-06-07
Unlike many Western politicians, Russian diplomats say what they mean. They are not ones to make idle, empty threats. Joe Biden and the NATO lackeys better pay attention to recent statements by two of Russia’s leading diplomats. Sergei Ryabkov, pictured above, is Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister. I have had the privilege of meeting him. He is a classy gentleman who chooses his words carefully. Hence the cause for my concern in light of his comment this week in response to  Joe Biden’s decision last week to approve the use of U.S.-supplied weapons to hit targets inside Russia. Ryabkov said: (Article by Larry Johnson republished from
“I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive, . . . “I urge these figures (in the U.S.) … to spend some of their time, which they apparently spend on some kind of video games, judging by the lightness of their approach, on studying what was said in detail by Putin,” Ryabkov said. Putin had delivered “a very significant warning and it must be taken with the utmost seriousness”, he added. Putin said the West would be directly involved in any use of its weapons by Ukraine to strike deep inside Russia, because such attacks would require its satellite, intelligence and military help.
Ryabkov is not known as a bullshitter or one to make idle threats. He is polite, but firm and unambiguous. He is not sending some secret, coded message. He is putting the United States on notice. And it is important to note that Foreign Minister Lavrov issued a similar stern warning: Read more at: