Calls to replace Biden gain momentum as big donors bail on the puppet they installed
By ljdevon // 2024-07-05
In the lead-up to this year's Presidential election, the Democrat National Convention (DNC) has closed down the primary voting process for the Democrats and shut down debate within the party. Joe Biden was pre-selected for a second term without any input from voters. On March 12, as designated, Biden received enough delegates for re-nomination and was declared the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party. Fast forward to July. Biden’s cognitive impairment was undeniable at the CNN Presidential debate, even to his most die-hard supporters, who began to question whether Biden will be the one to “save democracy” from the “MAGA Republicans.” But it’s too late and the Democrats must live with the monster they created, as Biden stumbles to take the Party’s nomination on August 19. The only person that can stop the madness is Joe Biden himself, but he has already pledged not to release his delegates for a contested convention.

The four-year charade of the Biden regime is ending

Over the past four years, corporate media has christened Joe Biden as the ultimate defender of democracy, while covering up his cognitive decline, which, according to some analysts, could be the result of persistent oxygen deprivation, (mask overuse) the toxic effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and the onslaught of spike protein booster injections. After Biden’s vaccine-zombie debate performance, high level Democrat operatives are clamoring to replace him. Instead of admitting defeat, Biden’s donors are ready to move their money over to a candidate that can at least get a sentence off without mumbling or making up words. The latest Presidential “debate” clearly showed that Biden is not a viable candidate, let alone a competent presidential nominee who can campaign and run the country for another four years. The aftermath of the debate left many senior Democrats and prominent donors panicked, prompting a flurry of furious emails, phone calls, texts and urgent discussions across the party ranks. The most diehard Biden talking heads complained about the debate performance, breaking with their longstanding coverup of Biden’s ailing health and failing mental condition.

Big Democrat donors are pulling out, looking for a new puppet

According to Bloomberg, finger-pointing and accusations have become pervasive within the party, with down-ballot Democrats now tasked with justifying their continued support for a candidate who is clearly unfit for office. Mark Buell, a notable Democratic donor from San Francisco, labeled Thursday’s debate as a "wakeup call." While Buell acknowledged that deciding Biden's fate is beyond his immediate influence, he emphasized the need for a viable and inspiring alternative who could utilize existing campaign resources effectively. Billionaire Mark Cuban echoed Buell’s sentiments, bluntly criticizing Biden’s debate performance as "awful" and indicating his openness to exploring alternative candidates. Influential figures within the party have approached notable Democrats like the Obamas, the Clintons and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to advocate for a change in direction. Their shortlist of candidates includes Gretchen Witmer, the disgraced governor of Michigan who was nearly 'abducted' back in 2020 for locking people down in their homes, shutting businesses down and creating an unconstitutional police state of insidious restrictions and threats to civil liberties. Another candidate idea is Pete Buttigieg, the disgraced secretary for the Department of Transportation, who oversaw the intentional release of 1.1 million pounds of carcinogenic vinyl chloride in Palestine, Ohio (when he was at work). Another name being floated is the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, who was exposed as a fraud to the whole country last year when he faced Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in a historic, nationally televised interview. After Newsom’s record was stripped bare that night, he became politically irrelevant. The contrast between the two states is stark, with Florida’s growing prosperity, law and order and triumph over lockdowns outshining California’s depressing, restrictive, unsafe and drug-ridden hellscape. The Democrat propaganda machine is unraveling to the point that the New York Times editorial board weighed in on the issue, arguing that Biden should withdraw from the race. Despite his closest allies betraying him, Biden himself has remained resolute, reaffirming his commitment to stay in the campaign and insisting that he and he alone will be able to secure victory. At this point, Democrats are either brain damaged, delusional or both, but Americans aren't laughing because prices are rising exponentially for everything, an invasion is taking place at the Southern border, crime is rising and the country is on the brink of World War. Sources include: