Mike Adams Sermon 46: Nations that choose WICKEDNESS and SATANISM will feel God's wrath
By kevinhughes // 2024-11-25
The 46th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams for the Church of Natural Abundance warned that nations choosing wickedness and satanism will feel the Wrath of God. Basing his sermon from the book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Adams said people can never know the timing of God's judgment. "Mass abortions, mass deceit, mass perversions, the transgenderism, the transhumanism, the biological weapons designed to alter the God given genetic code of humanity, the deception, the lies, the attacks on the church, the attacks on free speech, the attacks on Christ, the attacks on people who silently pray outside abortion centers. This level of wickedness will almost certainly earn some level of wrath from God," Adams said. The modern-day Israel, he added, has become the hub of LGBT in the Middle East. Prior to the current war sparked by the Oct. 7 Operation Al-Aqsa Flood attack, Tel Aviv was the center of LGBT activities, transgenderism, child exploitation and sodomy. People in Islamic countries such as Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Jordan do not get this kind of evil activity. Moreover, the present Israel is a mostly secular nation. Adams claimed that population-wide, almost nobody practices any worship of God. However, the different Orthodox Jewish groups that are very serious about their practice of religion and their dedication to God serve as an exception. The Jewish nation isn't the only one. Most countries in the West like the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom have turned against God. "They do not read Scripture at all. They are not religious. They don't even believe in God for the most part. But they worship abortion. So, they worship Baal. They offer incense to Baal, and they worship false idols like pop singers and so on," said the Bible nutrition educator. (Related: Mike Adams Sermon 40: How a nation falls into DESTRUCTION.)

People should expect the WRATH OF GOD with all the evil they permit

God has the power to do anything He wishes, as reflected in both the Old and New Testaments. But given the evil being pushed in Western civilization, people ought to expect the wrath of God as seen in the Old Testament. According to Adams, a New Testament response does not have any effect among those rooted in satanism and evil – with the devil laughing at kindness and forgiveness. Thus, an Old Testament response – with God putting His foot down, drawing the line in the sand and saying enough is enough – is warranted. The Bible nutrition educator said he wouldn't be surprised when judgment comes upon America as God has repeatedly done it before. Today, Western nations have become steeped in evil that it is even celebrated. But this level of wickedness won't be tolerated forever, with Adams advising people to be on the side of God when Judgment Day comes. "We are all going to be judged for the lives that we have lived, for the decisions that we have made. Did you live in alignment with God's teachings? Did you have dignity for other human beings? Did you work to protect life? Did you speak the truth? Did you defend the innocent? Did you help the poor?" "These are things that count. This is your spiritual equity, or your spiritual assets with God. These are things that count for eternity. How are you doing in those things?" GodsWrath.news has more stories about God's wrath aimed at the wicked. Listen to the 46th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams for the Church of Natural Abundance about God's judgment aimed at the nations that chose wickedness and satanism. This video is from the Abundance Church channel on Brighteon.com.

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