Public school union boss admits lazy teachers "told the CDC" to keep schools closed
By ethanh // 2021-05-24
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Randi Weingarten appeared on C-SPAN recently to talk about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) shutdowns at public schools, during which she revealed that public school teachers "told the CDC" to refuse in-person education. After denying that her group in any way lobbied the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Weingarten is now claiming that the CDC asked the AFT to provide input on the matter, to which it merely made the recommendation that everyone stay home and "learn" via Zoom. "They asked us for language and we gave them language when they asked us for it," Weingarten patronizingly told the C-SPAN host. "But if you look at the public record, I was saying these things publicly, these kinds of things. So there's nothing nefarious about doing this kind of work, and frankly we have said to the CDC that everyone should have, parents should be communicating with parents, they should be communicating with educators." Clearly upset that she was even being asked about the AFT's involvement with the CDC, Weingarten went on to suggest that the CDC's job is merely to handle the "science" behind the pandemic. Public school teachers, on the other hand, handle the "logistics." "They have to communicate with those who actually are impacted by their policies," Weingarten scoffed, implying that only she and her fellow public school teachers know which plandemic policies are appropriate and which are not. "The science tells you what, where the pandemic is going," she added. "The impact, the logistics, are something that one has to do."

If public school teachers do not want to teach, then they should get out of the business

According to Weingarten, the AFT has never done anything shady behind the public's back when it comes to imposing its own agenda on the country via the CDC. Everything the AFT has said privately, she insists, has also been stated publicly. The problem, of course, is that the AFT's members clearly did not want to go back to the classroom, preferring instead to lounge around the house and "teach" in their pajamas. Once things started to open back up, public school teachers everywhere started bellyaching about it being "too soon" because of all the scary Chinese Virus "variants" that have conveniently been popping up now that masses of people are taking off their masks and returning back to normal life. There has also been an aggressive cultist mentality among public school teachers demanding that their low-risk students stay masked for upwards of seven hours per day because AFT members are supposedly scared that they might "catch" a variant and die. "The fact that there needed to be accommodations, this is part of what creates the trust that we can reopen schools fully in the fall," Weingarten added about why the CDC should be listening to the AFT rather than emerging science. "Again, safety is the way in which you reopen. Only people who think that our members are not the people who are impacted, like students, like parents, would raise these issues." There are plenty of folks out there who would have no problem reentering the classroom now that the plandemic is over. If public school teachers refuse to do so, then perhaps it is time for them to resign so someone else can take their place and resume teaching. "How much money did this creature rake in for destroying taxpayer-funded schools and children?" asked one commenter at Citizen Free Press about Weingarten. "What is this creature invested in? Stocks? Companies?" To keep up with the latest plandemic-related news, be sure to check out Sources for this article include: