Experimental covid vaccines are bioweapon delivery systems that flood vital organs and the blood stream with inflammatory spike proteins
By ljdevon // 2021-06-11
After the Fauci emails were released, it is now clear that top public health officials conspired to conceal the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a laboratory toxin which is now being injected as messenger RNA and translated in human cells. The inflammatory spike proteins are now being replicated in human cells, subverting the natural protein synthesis of the cells, while leaking into the bloodstream and accumulating in vital organs. One study shows the spike protein can invade and live in the neural tissue, infecting neurons and causing neurotropism. The S1 sub-unit of the spike protein enters the parenchymal tissue of the brain in murine models. The brain’s endothelial cells attempt to hide the spike protein in the brain capillary glycocalyx, which can lead to degradation of the glycocalyx, dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and cerebral edema.

Spike proteins cause brain damage, are ten times more potent when injected

When these spike proteins cross the BBB, they induce neuron-inflammation and impair basic function of the central nervous system. A study from Nature Neuroscience finds the S1 spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is engineered to attach to the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2), cross the BBB, and cause damage to the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The spike protein can manipulate the central nervous system, causing an influx of cytokines, and setting off a cytokine storm. This influx of cytokines can also cross the blood-brain barrier, doing further damage to the immune response. When the viral binding protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, it enables the virus to cross the blood-brain barrier as well, allowing the virus to directly influence regions of the brain that regulate respiratory function. According to the study, injected spike proteins breach the BBB roughly ten times greater compared to intranasal exposure. The spike protein primarily attaches to ACE2 but can attach to other proteins as well. The spike protein not only crosses the blood brain barrier, but it also travels through the bloodstream, causing blood clots. This toxin also attacks the olfactory bulb, liver, spleen and kidneys.

Spike proteins deployed via vaccines mimic a bioweapon delivery system

Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario said the medical community “made a big mistake” deploying spike protein programs through mass vaccination campaigns. Dr. Bridle was one of the scientists who worked on covid-19 vaccine development. Dr. Bridle points to a “bio-distribution study” that shows how the spike protein escapes into the blood post-vaccination, and circulates for several days, accumulating in organs and tissues. The spike protein can attack the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands, and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries. “We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation,” Bridle said. Scientists assumed that the vaccine would only affect the deltoid muscles, reproduce spike proteins in cells at the vaccination site, and elicit an immune response locally. However, the spike proteins do escape the vaccination site and escape into the blood circulation. These toxins can cause blood to clump or cause brain bleeds. The methods of deployment for these experimental covid vaccines are not indicative of medicine, either. There is currently NO informed consent for these shots and NO respect for human dignity or self-decision. The methods of its deployment are tactics of war, and our own governments and medical systems are being weaponized against us. The vaccine can more accurately be described as a bioweapon delivery system because it is deployed through coercion, medical fraud, bribery, intimidation, discrimination and segregation. Governments have repeatedly forced citizens into lock down to force uptake. Citizens are told their life will not go back to normal until they submit. Governments have stolen money from taxpayers and are now flaunting it as prizes in vaccine lotteries. The CDC is trying to use vaccine passports to divide the nation, profiling and controlling the vaccinated while segregating and persecuting the unvaccinated. Learn more in the interview with immunologist Byram Bridle: Sources include: Nature.com NCBI.NLM.NIH.gov NCBI.NLM.NIH.gov NCBI.NLM.NIH.gov NaturalNews.com Brighteon.com