New Hampshire school numbering children like concentration camp prisoners to track covid vaccination status
By ethanh // 2021-06-11
In order to attend their prom this year, senior students at Exeter High School in New Hampshire were required to get marked and tracked based on their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination" status as part of some bizarre Tony Fauci mass worship ritual. According to reports, non-jabbed students at the school were forcibly "numbered" with Sharpie markers like cattle, and followed around throughout the evening by snitches who apparently tried to observe whether or not the Chinese Virus was floating around their bodies. Like some kind of scene out of a Holocaust movie, unvaccinated prom attendees were intentionally humiliated and treated like social pariahs as school officials made a visibly uncomfortable display in response to their presence. Every three songs, unvaccinated students were told they needed to stop dancing, disengage from their partner, and raise up their arm "tattoo" so they could be identified and logged for contact tracing purposes. "They also left the list of student names (first and last) with the info on whether they were vaccinated or not on a table outside after the prom," reported New Hampshire Rep. Melissa Litchfield, quoting a constituent who informed her about the disturbing details. "I found it the next morning. This information should 1. Not have been shared and 2. Should never be left where anyone can have access to it. I have a photo of the list."

Exeter High School violated HIPAA protections

Another constituent told Litchfield that she was appalled how the children were treated, likening it to fascist regimes of the past that treated the "undesirables" like second-class citizens. "Marking them, thus singling them out, and then having to raise their hands is beyond tolerable," this person said. "First, the school could be looking at lawsuits for violation of [HIPAA] rights. They have no business asking for a vaccine card ... last Thursday masks were no longer required outside and if this is in effect it should not have mattered if they were vaccinated or not." Litchfield is asking others to come forward with their stories so she can look into the matter further. Apparently there has been "much talk" at the state level concerning state residents being asked for vaccination status. Perhaps the worst part is that Exeter students and their parents were not told beforehand that unvaccinated students would be tagged and tracked throughout the evening. "The kids were told it was optional to provide a copy of their vaccine card," another parent reported. "When they showed up at prom check-in they were marked and had a number written on them in black Sharpie if they were not vaccinated." "Those that were vaccinated had a different color mark and no number assigned to them. Underclassmen were given the role of writing the numbers down on the dance floor. After every 3-4 dances kids were asked to raise their hands so the underclassmen could record the numbers." The school did, however, threaten students beforehand that if they tested "positive" for Chinese Germs in the week leading up to prom, that they would not be able to participate and would "miss graduation and all their senior week activities per the school's contact tracing policy." "It is not right that kids are feeling pressured from peers, school and government to get vaccinated," another parent said. "Kids should not feel they need to get the vaccination or they will potentially 'miss out' on events. It is a personal choice and should remain that." "It has become a way to separate and cull out those that won't follow along – it's a scary, slippery slope and I guess I hope that if attention is brought to it, people might think twice about whether we want to start down that slope or not." So much for "live free or die," which is New Hampshire's state motto. More related news stories about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccine" holocaust can be found at Sources for this article include: