Healthy people are locked down and blamed for lab-generated deaths to rollout tyrannical Vaccine Passports worldwide
By ljdevon // 2021-06-11
For over a year, we were told that SARS-CoV-2 was a natural occurrence, that laboratory experiments on coronaviruses did not exist. But gain-of-function virus engineering has been real for more than a decade. US and Chinese scientists have enjoyed grants from the National Institutes of Health to enhance the lethality of viruses and to exploit human immune cells. Despite Dr. Fauci’s repeated public dismissal of this unethical research, his newly released emails reveal his intentions to conceal it. For over a year, healthy people have been locked down, threatened and blamed for covid deaths, all to rollout tyrannical Vaccine Passports worldwide. These systems of digital surveillance and control are a tool to discriminate and segregate the human race, giving permanent power to the criminals who inflicted this misery upon the world.

The abusive human experiments have only just begun

The sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 proves it was no accident, and vaccine passports are no coincidence, either. The US government created a set of rules by which researchers could receive NIH grants to “create and use potential pandemic pathogens” for the development of vaccines. In fact, the HHS framework classifies a potential pandemic pathogen as “safe for research purposes” only if it’s being used to develop and test new diagnostics and vaccines. After all, the NIH stated that its scientists created "stabilized coronavirus spike proteins for the development of vaccines against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2," and the government consequently has "sought patents to preserve the government's rights to these inventions." According to NIH and Moderna licensing agreements, Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease jointly owns experimental mRNA-1273 vaccine technology and will collect royalties on the Moderna vaccines. So why would public health leaders like Dr. Anthony Fauci dismiss the government’s involvement in gain-of-function research? Why would coronavirus gain-of-function researchers like Dr. Peter Daszak email his funder (Dr. Fauci) in the beginning of a pandemic and thank him for dismissing the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2? Why would NIH director Dr. Francis Collins email Fauci, warning him about sequencing studies on SARS-CoV-2 that prove laboratory interference in the creation of the spike protein? Instead of coming clean about the research they were involved in, these men tried to hide it. For this, they are partially culpable in the deaths of human subjects who have been caught up in a live experiment worldwide. These evil entities have deflected blame for their sinister and oppressive actions by locking healthy people down, depriving them of their rights, and blaming them for covid deaths. The NIH's paranoid and panicked emails, Fauci's manipulative and prevaricating interviews, and their controlling and destructive actions provide enough evidence of their malfeasance. So far, these evil entities have escaped judgment for experimenting on humans, locking people down and controlling movement, but their crimes against humanity have only just begun. The remainder of their maniacal experiment is currently underway, as their engineered spike proteins are replicated in human cells, causing inflammatory conditions and autoimmune attacks in the cardiovascular system and in the physical brain of terrorized, coerced and submissive human subjects. The remaining people who reject this experimental abuses and see through these wicked, controlling schemes, will also be victimized, in a different way. The vaccine passport is part of the experiment, forcing compliance to their wicked schemes, bringing discrimination and segregation to the world.

The Vaccine Passport has also been planned for years

The Vaccine Passport has been planned for some years. The executive branch of the European Union published a report on April 26, 2018, titled “Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases.” The framework lays out a plan to implement “vaccine portals” and “vaccine passports” as a precondition to travel and live. The commission expressed interest in controlling cross border movement of people within the EU and to “look into options to address them, including developing a common EU citizens’ vaccination card/passport, compatible with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised for use across borders.” The Commission desires to establish a “European Vaccination Information Sharing system that will coordinate with national public health authorities to “facilitate a merger of national vaccine schedules and enforce broad uptake of vaccine using a 'common vaccination card'.” The commission even mentioned “vaccine hesitancy” and why it’s important to target any information online that hinders total vaccine compliance. Now Europe is rolling out Digital Green Certificate, forcing citizens to show digital proof they comply with the experiments and all the vaccine industry’s demands. India, China and Israel have followed suit with their own vaccine passport system. In Israel, the unvaccinated are only allowed in “essential” places and are barred from the rest of society. When travelers abroad arrive in Israel, they are outfitted with “freedom bracelets” that dictate their travel and whereabouts. The US is allowing this tyrannical discrimination and segregation, too. In New York, citizens are unable to attend sporting events without complying with the Excelsior Pass and its bodily requirements. The US CDC is trying to force cruise ships to require proof of vaccination as well and rolling out recommendations requiring unvaccinated persons to wear masks in indoor settings. Whether it’s the AOK Pass, Common Pass, the Vaccination Credential Initiative, Good Health Pass Collaborative or the IATA Travel Pass, medical tyranny is here, and it beckons for every one of us to resist at all costs. Sources include: