YouTube censors Bret Weinstein for suggesting covid came from lab
By ethanh // 2021-07-07
Podcaster Bret Weinstein has been demonetized by YouTube for spreading "medical misinformation" about the possible lab origin of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). In the past month alone, Weinstein and his wife have seen their DarkHorse program flagged for saying things about the Chinese Virus that the Big Tech overlords have dubbed as "false." When the Weinsteins talked about ivermectin as a potential treatment for the Fauci Flu, for instance, they were flagged for spreading "misinformation." They were also targeted for questioning the mRNA "vaccines" produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. "Weinstein, who was also criticized for arguing the lab-leak theory before conventional wisdom shifted on that topic, says YouTube's decision will result in the loss of 'half' of his and Heying's income," reports Matt Taibbi, Heying referring to Heather Heying, Weinstein's wife. "However, he says, YouTube told him he can reapply after a month." In its notice to Weinstein, YouTube wrote that he would need to "edit" his channel in order to "reapply for monetization." "Make changes to your channel based on our feedback," YouTube further demanded. "Changes can include editing or deleting videos and updating video details." Weinstein has come forward about the scandal, revealing that YouTube is now dangling his livelihood in front of him by demanding that he self-censor, which he does not want to do. "Unless I stop broadcasting information that runs afoul of their CDC-approved talking points, I'll remain demonetized," he says.

Why does YouTube hate science so much?

Weinstein attempted to make further contact with YouTube to figure out a plan moving forward, but instead of dealing with him in a personalized way, the Google-owned video platform instead sent more generic emails about how he might be able to reapply for monetization at a later date. While we have certainly seen many cases such as this in which YouTube censors or demonetizes channels and content for various reasons, this DarkHorse case is unique in that the content in question does not in any way involve politics. Weinstein's guests have included names like former Salk Institute researcher Dr. Robert Malone, who helped developed mRNA "vaccine "technology. Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has also been on Weinstein's show. These are leading scientific names, in other words, who have every right to tell others about their research and findings. And yet YouTube will not allow it because the Chinese Virus "gods," which include figures like Tony Fauci and Bill Gates, have prohibited it. YouTube claims that it is merely taking its guidance from "global health authorities" like the FDA, the CDC, the WHO, the NHS and others. However, this is more like misguidance when considering that the information presented on DarkHorse is coming from actual scientists and medical researchers who are doing the work on which "global health authorities" supposedly rely. "When we develop our policies, we consult outside experts and YouTube creators," YouTube says. "In the case of our COVID-19 misinformation policies, it would be guidance from local and global health authorities." Media personalities Bill Maher, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson and others are already speaking out against the demonetization of DarkHorse, which has zero basis in science. "They threw Bret Weinstein off YouTube, or almost," lamented Maher during an episode of his Real Time program. "YouTube should not be telling me what I can see about ivermectin. Ivermectin isn't a registered Republican. It's a drug!" As it turns out – and this is hardly surprising – most of the "fact checking" done by YouTube to police its content comes straight from the pharmaceutical industry, which uses "public health" agencies like the FDA and the CDC as its enforcement arm to squelch all competition. More of the latest news about Big Tech censorship can be found at Sources for this article include: