Book author Vishal Mangalwadi: Church should be at the center of education
By kevinhughes // 2022-01-20
India's Christian intellectual and book author Vishal Mangalwadi told host Alex Newman during a recent episode of "The Sentinel Report" that the Church should be at the center of education. Mangalwadi calls it the Third Education Revolution. It is in reference to a book he co-authored with David Marshall titled "The Third Education Revolution," which is about the Church being the center of education where students are enrolled in a university and attend classes under an academic pastor. The author of dozens of books said it will "enable the Church to disciple four to six million students every single day and take education back from the devil." (Related: Faulty education system, abandonment of traditional Western values, causing U.S. collapse, says expert.) Mangalwadi, who is also a political activist, said the American Church didn't respond to his proposal but the Indonesian Church did and had already started a program to implement it.

Third Education Revolution becomes a movement

According to Mangalwadi, the concept of Third Education Revolution has now become a movement. He added that the members of its steering and executive committee are meeting daily online. "We hope to launch the whole project in a few months. It's happening in Minnesota, we had already started the Virtues Campus in 2014. And so it's happening in different parts of the world. But the movement has really snowballed," said Mangalwadi, who had accepted Jesus after going through a moral struggle during his teenage years. "In Africa, the focus is on Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya. Many other countries are very interested in South America. In Brazil, we have the government, the church and the universities backing us. In the Spanish speaking countries, our strongest presence is in Colombia, Chile and Peru. The European group is operating in Central Europe, in Germany and other Nordic countries," he shared. "The movement is growing globally. The book is already translated into German, South Korean and Portuguese. And translation is going on into Spanish, French, etc. So yes, it has become a movement." Mangalwadi mentioned that in 2019, 240 leaders representing 30,000 Pentecostal churches in Uganda have spent five days with him to learn how to transform their country. He said that these leaders wanted to turn every single one of the 30,000 churches into "centers of digital education where students will enroll in Christian universities," and that six or seven universities in Uganda are backing the movement. "They will attend the classes in the local church with professors going to the local church online. But every church [has] one or two or three academic pastors trained. So that's essentially what got this revolution going," Mangalwadi explained. He also revealed that a consultation in Phoenix, Arizona was already done in 2019. The well-known Christian thinker added that in 2020, he met with leaders in South Korea to consider how to implement the Third Education Revolution because there are about 22 universities around the world established by the South Koreans.

Church is the pillar and foundation of truth

The author pointed out that "the Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth." He also noted the changes that happened in America after World War I, when the Church gave up the handling of education to the State, which led to people like John Dewey taking over the political authority for education. "And then they used the separation of Church and State to separate education from God's word and truth," Mangalwadi said. "The Church is a fellowship, a community, a body baptized in the Spirit of truth to bear witness to the truth, to teach God's word and God's law and spread the knowledge of God. State is not an institution baptized with the Spirit of truth. It's not the State's job to teach people. The State has separated truth from education." He added that the present education controlled by universities under "learned people" do not know the difference between male and female and do not know what is sex, love, marriage, divorce and family – leading to the disintegration of society. Watch the video below to know more about Vishal Mangalwadi and the Third Education Revolution. This video is from the BrighteonTV channel on Follow to know more about the education system in America. Sources include: