The Health Ranger Mike Adams talks about the "spark" that could awaken millions
By kevinhughes // 2022-01-26
The Health Ranger Mike Adams talked about the "spark" that could awaken millions and defeat the globalists and the depopulation pushers. "It's a weapon to defeat the enemies of life. It's a weapon and a tool and a gift. And it's something that you possess from the moment of your conception. It's something that you inherently have and you can deploy it against evil at any time," Adams said during a recent "Health Ranger Report" podcast. "It relies on the power of the fabric of the cosmos that was engineered by God to spread ideas, unconsciously, through what I call the contagious mind. And in order to invoke this spark, all you have to do is utter a couple of words in the presence of others." Adams noted that the spark is a universal concept and it is something that God gave us. He added that it can be used to defeat evil without even having to fight. "We don't have to fight Satan to defeat Satan," he said. "All we have to do is use these powerful weapons and tools and gifts from God in order to achieve that." During the podcast, Adams discussed how to deploy the spark in the context of the food shortages that are already happening in Canada and the United States. He took note of the people who have been in denial about the depopulation plan but are now seeing the shelves increasingly empty. According to a report from Feeding America, up to 42 million Americans faced food insecurity at some point last year due to the heightened unemployment seen as a result of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Deploying the spark by uttering a couple of words

Adams pointed out that this is the perfect time to deploy the spark. "The spark only requires you to utter a couple of words in the presence of someone or ask a question using those words. And it doesn't even require you to argue with people, or even to win any argument – just put the words or the concepts into their minds," Adams said. The and Brighteon.TV founder said that you can invoke God's powerful weapon against evil by simply coming up with the idea or phrase that captures the reality of what is happening. Adams used the phrase "engineered scarcity" as an example. (Related: Food Scarcity to Bring Down World Governments, Cause Global Chaos.) He further explained that those words will become a seed planted in their mind. The spark or seed will then grow and create a pattern, and their mind will begin to question things. People will continue to process the seed that you have put in their mind and it will awaken them. Adams added that some people will reach a tipping point where they can no longer deny the reality now and they will come to a point of truth, knowledge and awakening.

Globalists exposing conspiracy theories as conspiracy facts

Adams also pointed out that the evil globalists and the depopulation pushers are delivering evidence every day that affirms the things that he is trying to warn people about. He said part of the awakening process is that the globalists are exposing all their conspiracy theories as conspiracy facts. "So in essence, the evil forces that are at war with humanity, they have handed us weapons of awakening that really cannot be denied, especially as they mount up and reach a certain saturation point. And your job as a fellow human navigator is to help other people navigate this and help awaken others – help people save themselves," Adams said. The "Health Ranger Report" host added that people can use food shortages, vaccine checkpoints, lockdowns, restrictions, government lies, vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths as opportunities to awaken the reluctant masses  and get more people to join Team Humanity. "It's also the silver lining. It's a powerful tool to awaken people to the reality of what's happening... All that you and I have to do is simply utter the words in the presence of people. And you can do this online, as well. Simply write the words, simply post a video on, if you wish, or post a podcast or say it in the presence of others," Adams explained. "This is an opportunity to wake people up, to get people to realize that what you've been saying all along is real. People will awaken on their own schedule in their own time." More related stories: Food shortage around the world may have been engineered to control populations. More Americans preparing for coronavirus-related food shortage by buying up seeds for "pandemic gardens." Food shortages are widespread and have gotten worse during the pandemic. Listen to the "Health Ranger Report" podcast below to know how to use food scarcity to awaken millions. This is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Follow for more stories like this. Sources include: