Doctor tells patient: Vaccines are going to be stopped
By royluarca // 2022-01-26
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday, January 19, announced that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions would be eased in the United Kingdom. Apparently, some doctors have advanced information about the unexpected government decision. This was evident in a cell phone conversation between a doctor and her patient, who was the one recording the conversation, shown on last Tuesday, January 18. The unknown women who spoke with a British accent were discussing whether the patient needs another vaccine shot. The doctor, unaware that the conversation is being recorded, said she doesn't. Wanting a clearer explanation, the patient asked the doctor if she doesn't think anyone should have the vaccine at a young age or whether, professionally speaking, the patient shouldn't have it. The doctor paused for a while before answering. "Medically, medically? Very much. As I said to you, there is a lot of information coming up now which was not available earlier. And very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped," the doctor said. (Related: UK government data prove spread of COVID-19 mostly occurring among vaccinated citizens.) "Information that's just really come up, you won't hear it on TV for a while, probably because -- I'm sorry, but yeah, so very soon we'll stop all of the vaccines that people don't know what they are. Yeah, yeah." True enough, Johnson confirmed the doctor's story the next day. According to the British government, face masks will no longer be mandatory in public places and schools in England and COVID-19 passports will be dropped for large events. Having no clue about what the situation would be the following day, the doctor and the patient continued their talk. The topic turned to leg pain and swelling and the doctor advised the patient to get vaccines if inflammation occurs. The patient then asked the doctor if she would let her 22-year-old sister get the scheduled booster shot on Wednesday. Without hesitation this time, the doctor replied: "Absolutely not. Okay, that's not needed. Please no, okay." End of conversation. It's either the doctor had been tipped off by somebody in the bureaucracy or colleagues had briefed her about the impending scenario.

British scientists believe the infections have reached their peak

The reason why the restrictions were being eased, Johnson told lawmakers, was that the surge of COVID-19 infections triggered by the omicron variant had leveled off in most parts of the country. Although the number of infected individuals remains high, government scientists believe the infections have reached their peak and are bound to go down. As such, the government is no longer encouraging people to work from home. At the same time, wearing face masks will no longer be compulsory inside classrooms of secondary schools, and COVID-19 passes will not be necessary to enter large-scale events starting on January 27. "We will trust the judgment of the British people and no longer criminalize anyone who chooses not to wear one [mask]," said Johnson, who had been tagged as a violator of the COVID-19 restrictions. Johnson apologized in the House of Commons on January 12 for attending "a bring your own booze" party with some of his staff on the garden of his residence and office at Downing Street in May 2020. The government's sudden turnaround on the COVID restrictions came as a surprise. The restrictions were imposed last December to suppress the surge of infections due to the omicron variant and give leeway to the people to get their booster shots. More related stories: Lifting of Britain’s COVID-19 restrictions could be part of giant PSYOP to gain back people's trust. COMPLIANCE MIND GAMES: United Kingdom to change definition of "fully vaccinated" to require COVID-19 booster shots. Immediately after covid restrictions were lifted in the UK, cases fell by 40 percent. Listen to the full conversation between the doctor and patient mentioned in the article. This video is from the Covid Times channel on For the latest news about COVID restrictions, visit Sources include: