Cover up: DOD silent after whistleblowers expose COVID 'vaccine' injuries in military
In a February 1, 2022 letter addressed to DOD leader Lloyd Austin, Senator Ron Johnson cites the “dramatic increases in medical diagnoses among military personnel,” as well as evidence that the “diagnoses of myocarditis had been removed from the database.”
(Article by Renee Nal republished from
Senator Ron Johnson has been fighting for answers from Secretary Lloyd Austin of the Department of Defense (DoD) after three whistleblower doctors represented by attorney Thomas Renz came forward under penalty of perjury.
The whistleblowers
provided devastating information about likely “vaccine” injuries in the military, as well as a cover up of rampant myocarditis diagnoses that were scrubbed from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).
In a February 1, 2022 letter addressed to DOD leader Lloyd Austin, Johnson cited the “dramatic increases in medical diagnoses among military personnel,” as well as evidence that the “diagnoses of myocarditis had been removed from the database.”
All Cause Mortality Skyrockets
The findings of the DOD whistleblowers are consistent with remarks from OneAmerica CEO J. Scott Davison, who
stated during a call hosted by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Indiana Hospital Association that “working age people (18 to 64) are dying at a rate that is 40% higher than prepandemic rates.”
“We’re seeing right now the highest death rates we have ever seen in the history of this business,” he said.
Watch the clip:
J. Scott Davison, who requires vaccine mandates at his company, does not attribute the deaths to the Covid vaccine but appears to blame the coronavirus pandemic.
See a chart from a skeptic who
acknowledges the trend after looking at Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data:

Journalist and commentator Daniel Horowitz, who spoke with attorney Thomas Renz before the panel discussion,
explained in an article published January 26th that the doctors “queried the numbers for hundreds of codes from 2016 through 2020 to establish a baseline five-year average”.
An alarming increase in cancer, miscarriages and myocarditis was found in addition to many other diseases (as outlined in Senator Johnson’s letter):
- Hypertension — 2,181% increase
- Diseases of the nervous system — 1,048% increase
- Malignant neoplasms of esophagus — 894% increase
- Multiple sclerosis — 680% increase
- Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs — 624% increase
- Guillain-Barre syndrome — 551% increase
- Breast cancer — 487% increase
- Demyelinating — 487% increase
- Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands — 474% increase
- Female infertility — 472% increase
- Pulmonary embolism— 468% increase
- Migraines — 452% increase
- Ovarian dysfunction — 437% increase
- Testicular cancer — 369% increase
- Tachycardia — 302% increase
Read the letter here (transcript below):
Senator Ron Johnson letter to Secretary Lloyd J. Austin February 1 2022 by
Noyb Nal on Scribd
The bombshell information was first publicly exposed during Senator Johnson’s recent
panel discussion titled “COVID-19: A Second Opinion.” Whistleblower Doctors Samuel Sigoloff, Lt. Col. Dr. Peter Chambers, and Lt. Col. Theresa M. Long gleaned the information from the DMED.
Watch the segment:
According to an official military
website, the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database consists of “up-to-date and historical data on diseases and medical events” pulled from the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS).
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="200"]

Jeff Cercone of PolitiFact[/caption]
But according to Jeff Cercone of the left wing propaganda outlet
Politifact, there was a “glitch” in the data. The entire DMED database was wrong from 2016 to 2020, according to DOD spokesperson Peter Graves. DMED has been “taken offline” to “identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption.”
The data for 2021, however, was perfectly fine.
“So just like that they say that all of the epidemiological data in the military’s national security epi system for 6 freaken years happened to be wrong until Thomas Renz pointed it out,” Daniel Horowitz exasperatedly
said on social media. “If you believe that, you deserve the tyranny,” he continued.
Americans must support Senator Ron Johnson’s efforts to demand answers from the Department of Defense.
Watch the full hearing:
Transcript of Letter:
WASHINGTON, DC 20510—6250
February 1, 2022
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin III Secretary
Department of Defense
Dear Secretary Austin:
On January 24, 2022, I held a roundtable featuring world renowned doctors and medical experts who shared their perspectives on COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and safety and the overall response to the pandemic.’ At that roundtable, I heard testimony from Thomas Renz, an attorney who is representing three Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblowers, who revealed disturbing information regarding dramatic increases in medical diagnoses among military personnel. The concern is that these increases may be related to the COVID-19 vaccines that our servicemen and women have been mandated to take.
Based on data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), Renz reported that these whistleblowers found a significant increase in registered diagnoses on DMED for miscarriages, cancer, and many other medical conditions in 2021 compared to a five-year average from 2016-2020.²
For example, at the roundtable Renz stated that registered diagnoses for neurological issues increased 10 times from a five-year average of 82,000 to 863,000 in 2021.’ There were also increases in registered diagnoses in 2021 for the following medical conditions:⁴
- Hypertension — 2,181% increase
- Diseases of the nervous system — 1,048% increase
- Malignant neoplasms of esophagus — 894% increase
- Multiple sclerosis — 680% increase
- Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs — 624% increase
- Guillain-Barre syndrome — 551% increase
- Breast cancer — 487% increase
- Demyelinating — 487% increase
- Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands — 474% increase
- Female infertility — 472% increase
- Pulmonary embolism— 468% increase
- Migraines — 452% increase
- Ovarian dysfunction — 437% increase
- Testicular cancer — 369% increase
- Tachycardia — 302% increase
Renz also informed me that some DMED data showing registered diagnoses of myocarditis had been removed from the database.⁵ Following the allegation that DMED data had been doctored, I immediately wrote to you on January 24 requesting that you preserve all records referring, relating, or reported to DMED.‘ I have yet to hear whether you have complied with this request.
At the roundtable, Renz revealed the names of the brave whistleblowers who uncovered this information in DMED: Drs. Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long.⁷ Any retaliatory actions taken against these individuals will not be tolerated and will be investigated immediately.
In order to better understand what, if any awareness DoD has about COVID-19 vaccine injuries to service members, I request you provide the following information:
- Is DoD aware of increases in registered diagnoses of miscarriages, cancer, or other medical
conditions in DMED in 2021 compared to a five-year average from 2016-2020? If so, please explain what actions DoD has taken to investigate the root cause for the increases in these diagnoses.
- Have registered diagnoses of myocarditis in DMED been removed from the database from January 2021 to December 2021? If so, please explain why and when this information was removed and identify who removed it.
Please provide this information as soon as possible but no later than February 15, 2022.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Ron Johnson Ranking Member
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
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