Canadian PM Justin Trudeau calls citizens, truckers protesting vaccine mandate "fringe" minority who don't share government-accepted "views"
By jdheyes // 2022-01-31
It's becoming apparent that there is little difference between known tyrannical leaders like China's Xi Jinping, Cuba's Castro bros and North Korea's Kim Jong-un and those of Western 'democracies,' as their policies and their view of political opponents are increasingly the same. Amid rising dissent over Canada's vaccine passports and mandates for truckers was born last weekend's "Freedom Convoy" which involved tens of thousands of people and trucks in a procession that reportedly stretched at least 50 miles. The convoy made its way to the capital of Ottawa, where Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau was not available to meet with and address dissenters because he chose to 'self-isolate' like a coward. But last week before the convoy kicked off, Trudeau, from the safety and security of the PM's office, proclaimed that any Canadian who disagreed with his authoritarianism was part of a "fringe" group that held -- his words -- "unacceptable views." 'Unacceptable views?' In other words, now Canadians who don't agree with left-wing tyranny are "unacceptable" citizens whose views are not 'allowable,' much less worthy of recognition and debate. "The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa are holding unacceptable views that they're expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other who know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms, rights, and values as a country," he said. 'Small fringes' -- as in, the massive crowds that took part in the convoy and protests? Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been talking to Canada's truckers, by the way, giving them a voice: Meanwhile, the far-left platform GoFundMe, where the Freedom Convoy raised more than $8 million, initially blocked organizers from accessing the donated funds. Over the weekend, however, the platform 'allowed' the first transfer of money, as the organizers announced: The release of this first batch of funds will allow us to start processing registration forms and remittances to drivers who need our support. Initially, there will be a bottle neck because of the large number of requests we need to process, and because of payment processing times. Please bare with us as we are working as fast as we can to get this done. As a reminder, these funds will first assist drivers of all Semi-trucks and direct support vehicles such as pilot trucks and/or mechanic trucks in the convoys to Ottawa. Registrations must have been received and signed off by the Road Captains. These forms must also be completed exactly as per the instructions on the registration form, otherwise they will not be processed. Please note that all submissions are not guaranteed, as this is dependant on how many registrations are received and how much is donated through the GoFundMe campaign. Freedom is coming back in style in democratic countries that are being led by left-wing tyrants. It's about time. Sources Include: