Jeffrey Prather: Canada is taking the lead in uniting the world against oppression – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-02-16
Canada is leading the way in the fight against oppression with the truckers' strike for freedom, according to "The Prather Point" host Jeffrey Prather. "So all praise, honor and prayers to Canada for stepping up and taking the lead. And this is really significant because the communists have always been looking to start a people's revolution," Prather said during the February 11 edition of the "The Prather Point" on Brighteon.TV. "But it is really very good news that Canada is leading the way, and I was really honored, privileged and proud to talk recently with the Team Canada leader who is working very closely with the Canadian truckers' strike. And they are doing very well. They actually have plenty of fuel and food. Canada was divided, but it is now united. Traditional parts of Canada that were not united before are now uniting under oppression." Prather mentioned former Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Corporal Daniel Bulford, who left Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's protection detail after refusing to take the mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Bulford has given his support to the truckers' movement and is now part of the leadership and security for the Freedom Convoy.

Truckers' movement is real working class revolution

Prather noted the movement of the truckers is very significant because it is a real working-class revolution that has started in Canada. (Related: Freedom Convoys spreading around the world as truckers fed up with vaccine mandates respond en masse.) "This is a real bottom-up workers' revolution. And truckers are really important because they are salt of the earth. They are the working middle class. They are the folks that drive the trucks," Prather said. "They're also the folks that build the bridges, make the roads and fight the wars and win the wars. They are very well-informed because they travel throughout the country. They see the countryside, they travel internationally." He added that the significance of the truckers, and now the farmers joining the truckers, is the base of the system. The system, according to Prather, depends upon them. The former intelligence officer took note that the global elite still wants to get all of their food and just wants to starve and control everybody else. Prather also mentioned that American truckers were trying to put together a convoy to support the Canadians in their efforts. Violence, however, is far from Prather's mind, saying supporters of the truckers must work through legal, moral, ethical and nonviolent ways to support them. Prather added the truckers' movement is not only growing in Canada but in other countries as well, with trucker strikes starting to happen worldwide. He also cited the "distraction" and misinformation being done by the Deep State not only in America. According to Prather, the Canadian government is now starting to blink the same way as the Joe Biden administration has done, with the requirement for vaccinations being lifted in Canada. He also noted the sense of solidarity between Canada and the United States being shown and the massive presence of young people who are supporting the protest.

Canadian strike for freedom is important to world economy

Prather said the Canadian strike for freedom through the truckers is important to the world economy because the Chinese are trying to control it with virtually everything made in China. He also noted China’s attempt to control the "shipping siege" that is happening and the proactive action taken by truckers around the world to control the situation. Prather also cited former Canadian Premier Brian Pickford, the last living author of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, who said the Trudeau government has failed to demonstrably justify their infringement on fundamental freedoms. Pickford has filed a lawsuit in federal court over the lockdowns and vaccine requirements for air travel, which is in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Prather also brought up the reports of protesters being racist and stealing from pantries, which he said are false flags. He mentioned that the suspect who ran over one of the Freedom Convoy members in Winnipeg, Canada was arrested. He lauded the police for doing their job and encouraged them to stand up as warrior protectors.

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