Parents take action against Westport, Ct., school board for indoctrinating their children into Marxism
By ethanh // 2022-02-04
A parent group in Connecticut is organizing to stop the local school district from brainwashing students into Marxist ideology. These parents have been trying to fight the Westport School System for quite some time after the Board of Education pushed an "equity study" on the district that was developed in concert with New York University (NYU). They even went so far as to create a website to educate the local community about what the school district is trying to do to the next generation of youth by brainwashing them into anti-white socialism. It turns out that the equity study is the driving force trying to install critical race theory, or CRT, curriculum throughout the district – CRT also sometimes goes by the names of DEI or SEL. (Related: CRT is also being pushed on HBO and other media streaming services to indoctrinate families everywhere into hating white people.) A body called "Team Westport" has reportedly been operating illegally in violation of both town and state code to alter what is taught to students within the community. Team Westport routinely interjects its opinions in most town decisions, and weak town leadership are going along with it in order to not be called "racist."

Parents everywhere should be fighting the way Westport parents are fighting

The WP06880 parent group, as it calls itself, finally had enough after the Board of Education moved to install CRT into Westport schools. It sent letters to town officials threatening an immediate lawsuit if they decide to move forward with the plan. The legal communication that was sent explains that on Aug. 2, 2005, the Westport Representative Town Meeting, or RTM for short, established a committee and authorized the First Selectman to appoint members to it. Since its establishment, this committee and its membership has failed to satisfy the minority representation requirement and has included ineligible members. "As a result," the legal document explains, "the Committee has conducted business in violation of the law, and in recent years, in absence of a quorum." "Almost all of the members are registered Democrats," it adds. "Accordingly, the Committee has been operating in violation of the law. All action taken by it is illegal and void." This illegal action is compounded by the fact that non-electors were improperly appointed to serve as members on the committee. Only electors of the town may be appointed to serve, according to the law. "Your predecessors lacked the legal authority to appoint non-electors to the Committee," the communication goes on to state. "Those appointments exceeded the scope of their authority and were illegal. Therefore, the appointments of Judith A. Hamer, Ph.D. of Redding, and Stephane J. Kirven, of Weston, are void ab initio. These improper appointees should be removed from the Committee immediately." "Additionally, individuals who have ceased to be electors of the Town continue to participate in Committee business. A member's appointment automatically terminates when he or she ceases to be an elector of the Town, and thereupon the office becomes vacant." In conclusion, the letter demands that the nine illegal members be advised immediately that they are no longer eligible to serve on the committee. All town officials also need to be advised that all prior actions by this illegal committee are to be considered void because they violate the law. The remaining five members are to be told that, at the current time, they lack a quorum to meet and cannot conduct any further business until they have brought the membership of the committee into compliance with the town's charter and state law. More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: