Canadian authorities arrest Freedom Convoy organizers, freeze bank accounts and threaten to kill pets
By jdheyes // 2022-02-19
The Canadian government under China-loving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is completely collapsing into a tyrannical regime while he, like other Western leaders, continues to exploit the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to become more tyrannical. Three weeks ago, thousands of truckers upset over Trudeau's nonsensical vaccine mandate for drivers who are alone 12 hours a day took to the highways and formed a "Freedom Convoy" whose destination was the Canadian capital of Ottawa, where they proceeded to clog streets and wail their horns in an attempt to get the rule rescinded. The protests worked in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, but not in Ontario, the most populous and home to the capital. There, authoritarians like Premier Doug Ford and Trudeau dug in and rejected truckers' demands and instead resorted to tyranny. The Week reported: "Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, two of the main organizers of the so-called "Freedom Convoy" in Ottawa, were arrested on Thursday. Dagny Pawlak, a spokeswoman for the convoy, told The Washington Post that Lich was detained on a charge of "aiding and abetting mischief." Earlier Thursday, Lich, an Alberta resident, told CBC News her personal bank account had been frozen, and she knew she would soon be jailed. Ottawa police declined to comment on the arrests." The news outlet continued: "The protest against Canada's COVID-19 policies began three weeks ago, and demonstrators who remain say they won't leave until all mandates are lifted. There have been dozens of criminal investigations launched from the protests, Ottawa residents have complained about the noise from idling trucks and all-night honking, and police have ticketed people for bringing in fuel to refill trucks and for illegal parking." Ottawa interim Police Chief Steve Bell told demonstrators on Thursday, February 17, before Barber and Lich were arrested, that it is "time to go," adding: "Your time in our city has come to an end and you must leave." Beforehand, police established a perimeter around Ottawa, opening a large area only to residents, police and workers. "I implore anyone that's there — get in your truck and we will navigate safe passage for you to leave our city streets," Bell said. "We want this demonstration to end peacefully. There is a deliberate plan, there is commitment, and there's the resourcing that we now have in place to end this." Earlier this month, Barber responded to criticism from Ottawa residents that the protest was disrupting their lives in unacceptable ways. "We understand your frustration and genuinely wish there was another way for us to get our message across, but the responsibility for your inconvenience lies squarely on the shoulders of politicians who have [preferred] to vilify and call us names rather than engage in respectful, serious dialogue," he said. Trudeau chose authoritarianism instead, to include, by the way, targeting truckers' pets. And of course, the "mainstream media" leftists are all in for tyranny when it comes from their side. Western democracies are collapsing under the weight of authoritarianism, and it will take a fight to save them. Sources include: