"Pedo professor" from SUNY has lectured at U.S. Air Force, Army military academies
By jdheyes // 2022-02-05
A State University of New York (SUNY) professor who has made disturbing remarks appearing to excuse and justify pedophilia has also taught at the U.S. Air Force Academy and at West Point, according to a report. As The National Pulse notes, Prof. Stephen Kershnar, who teaches libertarian philosophy as well as applied ethics at SUNY-Fredonia, has said that it is not "obvious" why pedophilia is wrong. “Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant,” Kershnar says in the viral clip shared on Twitter by Libs of TikTok. “A very standard, very widely held view is that there’s something deeply wrong about this — and it’s wrong independent of it being criminalized,” Kershnar went on. “It’s not obvious to me that it’s in fact wrong. I think this is a mistake. And I think exploring that why it’s a mistake will tell us not only things about adult/sex and statutory rape and also fundamental principles of morality,” the professor added in what many saw as jaw-dropping remarks, the New York Post adds. One of the clips appeared to be from his appearance on a podcast, “Unregistered with Thaddeus Russell,” dated December 2020. In addition, Fox News reported on a YouTube video posted on Jan. 30 on “Brain in a Vat,” which features “thought experiments and discussions with philosophers.” In another clip, Kershnar goes on to say: “One is even if you are looking for a threshold. Let’s say there’s a threshold. I’m making this number up, but let’s say it’s at age 8. Still, that tells you that some adult sex is permissible. “Second, the notion that it’s wrong even with a 1-year-old is not quite obvious to me,” he actually claimed. “There are reports in some cultures of grandmas fellating their baby boys to calm them down if they’re colicky,” the professor continues, according to the Post Millennial. “I don’t know if this is true but this is sort of widely reported as occurring in at least a foreign culture — and it working, that the grandmas believe that this actually works,” Kershnar said. “If this were to be true, and again, I don’t know it to be true, if this were to be true, it’s hard to see what would be wrong with it,” he added. According to The National Pulse, here are just some of the U.S. military academy lectures this pervert has given:
  • “Space Wars and Property Rights,” International Society of Military Ethics, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 29, 2019 
  • “Statistical Discrimination at the Military Academies,” International Society for Military Ethics, Annapolis, Maryland, January 29, 2016 
  • “An Axiomatic Theory of Just War,” International Society for Military Ethics, University Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, October 13, 1014 
  • “Pfc. Justin Watt and the Duty to Inform on One’s Fellow Officers,” United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, March 25, 2013 
  • “The Moral Duty to Obey Military Orders is at Most a Weak One,” United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, April 16, 2012
  • “Gratitude and Veterans,” International Society of Military Ethics, University of San Diego, San Diego, California, January 26, 2011
  • “Should we be grateful to veterans?” United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, September 22, 2010 
  • “Torture and Side-Constraints,” International Society for Military Ethics, University of San Diego, San Diego, California, January 28, 2010 
Going on, Kershnar then made an extremely odd comparison of kids taking part in athletics and preparing for bar and bat mitzvahs. “They might think that children can’t be willing things in general. It’s an odd view in that they seem to will things all the time. They will participation in kickball. They will showing up and participating in bar mitzvah lessons, bat mitzvah lessons,” he said. “You might think that, well, maybe there’s something distinct about sex that they can’t really understand it. It’s not clear to me that what they’re not getting at is consent,” Kershnar also said. “I suspect that what they want to say is that they’re willing participants, they’re voluntary participants. They have some understanding of what is going on. Not the understanding we do, but some understanding. But they haven’t consented. Perhaps that’s so, but that’s a different claim from them being unwilling,” he said. “There’s a lot of activities that children engage in that they don’t understand all that well. For example, when you first show up to participate in a judo tournament or when you prepare for your bar mitzvah. You have a rough idea, but it’s not clear how much you fully understand it,” he added. Sources include: NYPost.com NationalPulse.com