Jeffrey Prather: Bucha massacre is a false flag – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2022-04-14
The Bucha massacre is a false flag. That was the contention of Jeffrey Prather during the April 8 episode of his program "The Prather Point" on Brighteon.TV. "So I am not supporting the fake news propaganda press march to war. And I have now analyzed the intelligence and it looks very clearly like the Bucha massacre is a false flag. And I said from the beginning, it just didn't make any sense because [Russian President Vladimir] Putin was very careful to avoid civilian casualties. He did not turn off the power. He did not turn off the internet in the areas that he took back," explained Prather, who is a former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) special agent targeted by the Deep State. The retired United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) soldier pointed out that the fake news talking about the Bucha massacre is just like the "Russia, Russia, Russia" stuff with former President Donald Trump and General Mike Flynn supposedly working with Russia. He added that the truth of this issue is quite different from what the fake news and propaganda press is doing. Prather mentioned that Putin has pushed back with third-generation kinetic war against the fifth-generation information influence operation war and that the Russian leader has upset that balance quite a bit. He took note that fifth-generation warfare does not do well against third-generation warfare. The former intelligence officer added that the Deep State is now in panic and trying to whip up a war frenzy because its false flag narrative about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) bioweapon is failing. Prather noted that Ukraine is a corrupt puppet government of the United States, just like America is a puppet government of China and the globalists. (Related: Ex-intel officer Jeff Prather tells Ann Vandersteel: Ukraine is a puppet of US government, a biolab for fifth generation war – Brighteon.TV.) The former SOCOM soldier also displayed videos of the supposed massacre in Bucha. He revealed that the "bodies" on the side of the streets were moving and that none of them were missing limbs. Prather also pointed out that there was no decomposition in the bodies.

Ukrainian troops killing captured Russian soldiers in Kyiv

Prather also shared a video showing Ukrainian soldiers shooting Russian prisoners of war or POWs in the leg and another video showing Ukrainian troops shooting captured Russian soldiers dead in the streets of Kyiv. He said this is forbidden under the rules of warfare because soldiers who surrendered must be treated correctly and morally as POWs, especially if that country is a signatory to the Geneva Convention. According to Prather, the Deep State, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency and 50 intelligence officials have lied about Russia and the Hunter Biden laptop. He also mentioned the fake news about Trump and the Russians always becoming the scapegoat. Prather pointed out that Putin was only defending Russia's borders, but now the Russians are being blamed for everything. He also said that mainstream media like Newsmax, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, among others are all involved in the march to war. The former DEA special agent also presented a timeline of the events happening from March 30 to April 3. He noted that Russian troops had left Bucha on March 30 and that the mayor of Bucha had announced the following day that the town had been liberated and he made no mention of atrocities being done. Prather mentioned that on April 1 and 2, the Azov Nazis, the Ukrainian Special Forces and National Police entered Bucha. And on April 3, Ukraine's Ministry of Defense published the alleged video of Russian atrocities. The former intelligence officer said the Special Forces and the National Police conducted on April 2 a cleanup of saboteurs and collaborators with Russian troops and that the videos and audios will show and tell it all. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has vehemently denied the charges and had previously deemed the Bucha massacre "staged" and "a false flag attempt to malign Russian troops." Lavrov said "Ukraine and the West are trying to derail the ongoing peace negotiations by making provocative allegations against Moscow." Follow to know about the misinformation and lies propagated by mainstream media. Watch the full March 25 episode of "The Prather Point" below. "The Prather Point" with Jeffrey Prather airs every Friday at 10-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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