Tulsi Gabbard wonders aloud: Why is Biden sending billions to Ukraine while tyrannizing Americans with IRS army?
By ethanh // 2022-11-28
Roughly a month after quitting the Democrat Party, Hawaii politician Tulsi Gabbard is calling out the Left for being what she described as an "elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness." The former congresswoman blasted fake president Joe Biden and other Washington, D.C., elite for being a key component of the United States military-industrial complex. She also addressed Biden's hiring of thousands more Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents to target ordinary Americans while he indiscriminately sends billions upon billions of American tax dollars straight to Ukraine. "We have politicians from both political parties who are the permanent Washington elite, and who must be held accountable for what they're doing with our taxpayer dollars and how they're undermining our national security as they push us closer and closer to the brink of nuclear catastrophe," Gabbard said on Fox News, filling in for Tucker Carlson on his "Tucker Carlson Tonight" program. What Gabbard hopes more Americans, regardless of their political alignment, will do is call out these politicians as well and tell them to "stop giving a blank check to Ukraine and demand accountability" for the tens of billions of dollars that has already been spent. The U.S. military-industrial complex has already siphoned "trillions of dollars" of U.S. wars abroad, Gabbard would further state. And all of that money has gone into more wars, more oppression, and more evil. (Related: YouTube no longer allows any criticism of the military-industrial complex.) "Now Biden wants to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to go over every receipt and every deductible of American taxpayers with a fine-tooth comb, squeezing every penny that they can," Gabbard added. "[For] the Ukrainian government and their corrupt bureaucrats and oligarchs, and the defense contractors who are profiting from all these weapons, the Biden administration requires no receipts at all. Why is this? Is it because they know that most of this money, our taxpayer dollars, is going to corrupt bureaucrats? Their actions expose who they really care about. It's not us."

As Biden sends endless billions to Ukraine, American veterans are struggling just to eat and survive

Another demographic being dumped on and trashed by Biden and his cronies are American veterans, who receive very little compensation and care after sacrificing their lives to fight globalist banker wars abroad. These often down-and-out individuals are struggling just to survive while D.C. swamp creatures crate off boatloads of American taxpayer dollars to keep the globalist affront to freedom alive both domestically and internationally. "As we speak, here we have soldiers who are forced to rely on food stamps to feed their families, soldiers who are living in uninhabitable conditions, and those who are not getting the care that they need for service-related injuries, illnesses and diseases," Gabbard said. Gabbard is a veteran herself, having served two tours in the Middle East, one of them in Iraq. She also served in the Hawaii National Guard and, as you may recall, ran for president in 2020. When it comes to foreign affairs, Gabbard is one of the most outspoken critics of the military-industrial complex. Even as a Democrat, she was constantly calling out other Democrats, including the current fake vice president Kamala Harris and her horrific record of incarcerating African Americans in California for petty "drug" offenses. "Gabbard has long been among the most outspoken politicians in the U.S. when it comes to foreign affairs, travelling to Syria in 2017 and condemning Washington's attempts at regime change there, and slamming U.S. aid for Ukraine, citing the danger of the conflict escalating into a Third World War with Russia," reports Sputnik News. The latest news about corrupt American politics can be found at Corruption.news. Sources for this article include: SputnikNews.com NaturalNews.com