Another ploy to control people's lives: Biden administration plans to ban gas stoves
By arseniotoledo // 2023-01-12
President Joe Biden is now planning to ban gas stoves as part of his administration's proposal to control so-called climate change. But critics like InfoWars founder Alex Jones think it is a part of a larger plan to control people's lives. "They're systematically claiming they're replacing your stoves and your cars and the coal plants and everything else in your farms with sustainable things. Now they make up the atmosphere. It gives them the pseudoscience excuse to take control of everything and make you go on to the replacement," Jones said. The proposal comes as state and local policymakers are also making parallel efforts to target natural gas usage in buildings in a push to deal with "climate warming emissions" like methane that supposedly exacerbate climate change. At least 100 cities and counties in the United States have already adopted policies requiring or encouraging a move away from fossil fuel-powered buildings. The most significant of these proposals is an ordinance passed by the New York City Council in 2021 banning natural gas hookups in new buildings smaller than seven stories. Another proposal passed by the California Air Resources Board banned the sale of natural gas-fired furnaces and water heaters beginning in 2030. More recently, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul sneaked a proposal into the New York Housing Compact banning the sale of new gas stoves, and mandating that all new construction be "zero-emission" starting in 2025 for small buildings and 2028 for large buildings. The federal government's potential ban on gas stoves is supposedly due to the harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by those appliances, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), who claimed that gas stoves can cause a variety of respiratory and other health problems. (Related: Study: Gas stoves can emit dangerous chemicals that can cause CANCER.) "This is a hidden hazard," said Richard Trumka Jr., a CPSC commissioner, in an interview. "Any option is on the table. Products that can't be made safe can be banned." In a later clarification, the Trumka said the CPSC "isn't coming for anyone's gas stoves" and that any new regulations passed would apply only to new products.

Increased ventilation – not ban on gas stoves – is the key to improve indoor air quality while cooking

About 40 percent of homes in the U.S. use natural gas-powered stoves. The CPSC claims these stoves emit dangerous air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter at levels both the Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization have declared unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer and other health concerns. "There is about 50 years of health studies showing that gas stoves are bad for our health, and the strongest evidence is on children and children's asthma," said Brady Seals, a manager for clean energy group RMI. "By having a gas connection, we are polluting the inside of our homes." In a statement, the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers said a ban would be very ill-advised, as it would "remove an affordable and preferred technology" from more than 40 percent of homes across the country. "A ban would fail to address the overall concern of indoor air quality while cooking, because all forms of cooking, regardless of heat source, generate air pollutants, especially at high temperatures," said the group. "A focus on increased use of ventilation is an effective solution to improve indoor air quality while cooking." Learn more about climate policies passed by governments around the world at Watch this clip from InfoWars as host Alex Jones discusses Biden's possible ban on gas stoves and how this is the next step in the Great Reset lockdown on energy use. This is from the InfoWars channel on

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