Political double standard: Trump raided by FBI over classified materials, but Biden's DOJ failed to report he's been caught with some, too
By jdheyes // 2023-01-12
There can be no better example of just how politicized and deferential to Democrats that our governmental institutions have become than the huge double standard that exists between Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Readers may recall that dozens of FBI agents conducted a raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in August on the allegation that he improperly possessed classified materials. Biden's Justice Department, at the time, claimed the unprecedented raid on a former president's home was done in the name of preserving 'national security.' But now, reports earlier this week reveal that not only was Biden caught with similarly classified documents that he kept at a private Washington, D.C. office he used in connection with work for the University of Pennsylvania, but the Justice Department knew about them before the Nov. 8 midterm elections and failed to report the incident. And, of course, no one in the far-left deep state leaked the discovery to the left-wing media, which wouldn't have reported it anyway. As reported by Explain America: Sources have told CNN that some of the materials discovered last fall in a private office used by President Joe Biden include classified documents related to Ukraine, Iran, and the UK. The Tuesday report said investigators have discovered “10 classified documents including US intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered” a variety of topics related to those countries. The report noted further that Attorney General Merrick Garland has been sent a preliminary investigative report regarding the inquiry, a law enforcement source told CNN. Now, he “faces the critical decision on how to proceed, including whether to open a full-blown criminal investigation,” the outlet continued. The outlet's report noted further that a President Trump holdover, Chicago-based U.S. Attorney John Lausch Jr. has briefed Garland a number of times, so there is no reason why he can't proceed with the same kind of criminal probe that he has authorized for Trump. But of course, all of this is political, as Explain America noted further: "CNN noted further that the documents were discovered six days before the midterm elections, on Nov. 2. However, the issue only became public on Monday, thanks to news reports." Translated, that means Americans would have never known about this if someone -- likely a Trump ally -- had not leaked it to a news outlet. Of course, Biden said on Tuesday he had no idea that classified documents were at his private office after he left the vice presidency, adding that his lawyers “did what they should have done” by calling the National Archives right away.

“I was surprised to learn there were any government records that were taken there to that office,” Biden said in response to a reporter’s question during a news conference in Mexico City, as he attended a meeting with Mexican and Canadian leaders.

The documents, the president noted further, were found in “a box, locked cabinet – or at least a closet.”

Needless to say, Trump has responded to this revelation with questions, including why the Justice Department isn't ordering the FBI to raid Biden's home to see if he's got more documents he's hiding.

“When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House? These documents were definitely not declassified,” Trump noted on his Truth Social platform. “Why didn’t the ‘Justice’ Department announce the Highly Classified documents found in the Biden Office before the Election?” he queried. “Biden’s documents are HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL, many pertain to UKRAINE, where Hunter was ‘raking in the dough,’ and FUNDED BY CHINA, which gave $55 Million to Biden, through Penn, and probably had easy access,” he noted further. Donald Trump Jr. also asked, “When will the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team storm one of Biden’s many vacation homes bought and paid for somehow by a lifetime of being a humble public servant?” There's one more difference between the documents both Biden and Trump allegedly had: Trump, as president, had the unquestioned authority to declassify anything and everything he wanted. Biden, as vice president, did not -- so he would have had to have had his boss, then-President Barack Obama, do it. Did Obama declassify them or not? Because if he didn't, Joe Biden should be in big trouble. Sources include: ConservativeBrief.com TruthSocial.com ExplainAmerica.com