Globalist World Health Organization planning to ABOLISH the First Amendment in America, Bret Weinstein tells Tucker
By ethanh // 2024-01-15
Podcaster, author and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein spoke with conservative commentator Tucker Carlson recently about the World Health Organization's (WHO) plan to end free speech in the United States. The year 2024 seems to be the year that the First Amendment to the Constitution goes on the chopping block, all in the name of protecting the public against medical "misinformation" – and even though doing so is both unconstitutional and illegal. "I know that it sounds preposterous, (but) the ability to do it is currently under discussion at the international level, and it's almost impossible to exaggerate how troubling what is being discussed is," Weinstein told Carlson. "I think it is fair to say that we are in the middle of a coup that we are actually facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty and that is the purpose of what is being constructed, that it has been written in such a way you are, your eyes are supposed to glaze over as you attempt to sort out what is it what is under discussion." Watch the full interview below: (Related: It looks as though full-scale medical martial law could be coming to America and possibly the entire world in 2024.)

Is climate change the next "public health emergency?"

In just a few short months, the WHO will unveil its finalized Pandemic Treaty, which all United Nations (UN) member nations, including the United States, will be expected to abide by as part of a global partnership. With the implementation of the Pandemic Treaty will come the abolition of the First Amendment, which is supposed to guarantee Americans the right to free speech – no matter what kind of speech it is, medical or otherwise. All that needs to happen is for the government to declare some kind of "public health emergency" and voila: instant destruction of free speech throughout the former "land of the free." "Come May of this year, your nation is almost certain to sign on to an agreement that, in some utterly vaguely described future circumstance, a public health emergency, which the director general of the World Health Organization has total liberty to define in any way that he sees fit," Weinstein warned. "In other words, nothing prevents climate change from being declared a public health emergency that would trigger the provisions of these modifications." The WHO's Pandemic Preparedness Plan, as it is also called, is still being ironed out with discussions taking place about modifications. Most of the changes are minor and procedural with the gist of the document being that all nations will need to fall under the leadership of the WHO and its dictates during the next "public health emergency." The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" appears to have simply been a test run for a much worse scenario still to come, during which the entire world will be plunged into abject tyranny and medical fascism. WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus insists that the Pandemic Accord will not require nations like the U.S. to cede power to the WHO, calling it "fake news" in interviews. Weinstein says otherwise. "Those were clearly lies, and of course his saying that into a camera is supposed to convince you nobody could possibly lie so directly," Weinstein told Carlson. "And anybody who goes back through, Matt Orfila's compendium of various things that people have said into cameras over the course of COVID that they then swear they didn't say months later knows that these folks are very comfortable at saying totally false things into a camera. It doesn't cause them to think twice or sweat or anything." The latest news about the Censorship Industrial Complex can be found at Sources for this article include: