With 'Disease X' the 'cover story' for the coming mass deaths from the release of the globalists new bioweapons, their 'blood lust' won't end until they are stopped
By newseditors // 2024-01-19
According to Klaus Schwab's 'World Economic Forum,' 'Disease X' is a 'mystery contagion' that the WEF will be holding a meeting about in just days, on January 17th, with the WEF warning this 'mystery contagion' could kill 20 times more people than 'COVID' has (substitute 'vaccines' for COVID if we want to be more accurate!,) with the United Nations claiming the only way to stop the spread of this mystery contagion would be the rapid development of a new 'vaccine'. (Article by Stefan Stanford republished from AllNewsPipeline.com) Claiming in this December of 2021 story over at the UN's website that "the faster an effective vaccine is developed and deployed, the faster an incipient pandemic can be contained and controlled," as that story also reported, "the aspiration of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is for the world to be able to respond to the next “Disease X” with a new vaccine in just 100 days." Also claiming that delivering a new vaccine in just a little over 3 months time "would give the world a fighting chance to extinguish the existential threat of a future pandemic virus," take note that in the past, it's taken decades and decades of researching various diseases to develop 'vaccines' for them, with this Business Insider story reporting virtually NO DISEASES have ever been completely eliminated through 'vaccine' efforts, although they report that a vax for Smallpox had come close. Meaning that these people hope to do in 100 days what has been pretty much impossible to do in human history, this must-read new story over at The Expose puts everything into perspective for us about what the globalists are unfolding now, and it's not pretty for people who choose to make our own health decisions. And with the mainstream media totally jumping on the 'Disease X' bandwagon as the globalists must tell us what they're planning to do to us before they do it, check out the titles of these recent stories.: From Bloomberg"What Is Disease X? How Scientists Are Preparing for the Next Pandemic" From Forbes"What Is ‘Disease X’? Right-Wing Circles Slam Hypothetical Pandemic" From Fortune"‘Disease X’ could cause the next pandemic, according to the WHO—or Ebola, SARS, or Nipah. 9 pathogens researchers are keeping a watchful eye on" From The Independent"World leaders to meet to discuss threat of hypothetical ‘Disease X’ pandemic in Davos"  From Azer News"Disease X which can cause 20 times more deaths than Covid-19 to be discussed in Davos" Meaning the globalists are busy creating 'vaccines' for 'something,' while they have no idea what that 'something' even is, even believing in their warped minds that that 'something' will kill off 20 times more people than 'COVID,' the WEF and WHO never even bother to address the fact that the 'vaccines' created (in WARP SPEED) for COVID have been killing people all across the planet and that those 'vaccines' have been proven to be a 'military operation,' run by the Pentagonwith the Pentagon ONLY GOOD at one thing; killing people. And as we'll explore in the rest of this story, with US Congress back in June of 2023 proposing a new Bill called "The Disease X Act" while the origins of 'Disease X' go back at least as far as March 15th of 2018 and this story from the WEF's website titled "The World Health Organization is worried about Disease X and you should be too," we see this latest psyop from those working to kill us has been a long time running, at least 6 years in the making, if not much longer. According to this alarming new story over at The Express (saved at Archive,) 'heart disease' is the leading cause of all of the 'excess deaths' being seen across the planet, with 'heart failures' called the 'driving force' in what they call 'an alarming surge' in 'excess deaths,' what they called the most deadly non-pandemic year since 1945, though they never mentioned the 'vaccines' as being the cause. Reporting that an additional 1,000 excess deaths PER WEEK happened in 2023 compared to 2022, their story did report that these 'excess deaths' are now often occurring among young people who are dying far way before their time, the story also reported the largest jump in 'excess deaths' among young people is from heart disease, with young people dying from heart diseases at a rate of 16% above the rates they were dying from the same thing in the past. With young people also dying suddenly and mysteriously from 'cancers' as this Wall Street Journal story recently reported, and doctors allegedly 'baffled' as to what is causing all of these cancer deaths, particularly among the young and previously healthy, would it be too much of a stretch to suggest that all of these 'excess deaths' are an intentional effort to 'depopulate' the planet, with the globalists long believing in their insane and warped minds that the planet Earth is vastly 'overpopulated'? As this previously mentioned story over at The Expose argues, we don't have to look too deeply to see that these globalists have been working on ways to depopulate the planet Earth for decades. From that story.: The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting starts this week in Davos where they will give center stage to their unelected health counterparts to warn about a non-existent virus that they claim could be twenty times worse than COVID. The Unelected WEF and WHO are priming “Disease X” in the final push for the Pandemic Treaty and are joining forces to persuade world leaders to relinquish their sovereignty in preparation for a nonexistent virus they claim “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”  Could this be the “pandemic that will get everyone’s attention” that Bill Gates gleefully warned of and is it the time Bill Gates’s “Final Solution” is ushered in? Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com