Joe Biden's approval rating in DUMPSTER as Trump trounces opponents to win Iowa caucus
By ethanh // 2024-01-19
It is official: President Biden's approval rating, which hovers at a mere 33 percent, is the lowest for any United States president in the past 15 years – the second-lowest rating goes to George W. Bush from 2006-2008 – this as Donald Trump sweeps the Iowa caucus. These two things happening at the same time, Biden's dumpster-level approval rating coupled with Trump's landslide victory in Iowa, speak volumes about what America has to look forward to in the November 2024 general election. In the event that a rematch does not occur, the reason will likely not have anything to do with Trump failing to secure the nomination, which he probably will. Instead, it will be because Biden quits the race, according to Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce. "A unique aspect of this presidential year is that there really is no primary season for either party," Bruce said. "Biden has managed to keep challengers off the ballots and Trump's lead amongst GOP voters is astronomical. Trump's landslide in Iowa is a statement. And while the debates and this process is important for people to get to know the GOP talent bench, the fact is we are in the midst of the general election between Biden and Trump." The closer we get to election day, the more likely that Biden will drop out or be replaced, Bruce says. Check out the episode below of "War Room with Owen Shroyer" to hear what Owen Shroyer has to say about these latest developments: (Related: According to Bloomberg, elections are a "threat to democracy" and should probably be abolished.)

Trump wins all but one of Iowa's 99 counties

All but one of Iowa's 99 counties went to Trump. The one outlier, Johnson County, went to U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley who ultimately came in third place in the Hawkeye State. Trump would then deliver a victory speech in which he congratulated Haley and fellow rival Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who took second place in Iowa. During his speech, Trump stated that he and the others were "having a good time together." "Donald Trump's crushing victory over his opponents in the Iowa caucuses isn't quite enough to wrap up the Republican nomination before the first primary contest has even taken place – but it very nearly is," said Fox News contributor Gerry Baker. "The results confirmed the grip the former president has on GOP primary voters." The only chance Haley has at potentially upsetting Trump is if she wins in New Hampshire, which as usual is the first state in America to hold a primary. Should Haley lose in New Hampshire, her race will likely be finished. "So Trump is set to wrap things up quickly and will then be free of GOP opposition to concentrate his fire on Joe Biden," Baker added. "This only adds to the escalating bad news for Biden, already struggling with some of the lowest approval ratings for any president in recent history. With an uncertain economic outlook, chaos at the border and rising insecurity in the world, Biden faces overwhelming headwinds." "Don't be surprised if the calls within his own party for him to stand down and for a Democratic nominating contest to take place at this summer's convention grow much louder." These latest developments spell disaster for Democrats this year. With an incumbent that is wildly unpopular and with strong momentum for Trump going into the 2024 election cycle, it looks increasingly likely that Trump will soon take the White House for a second term. The latest news about Trump's bid for the presidency can be found at Sources for this article include: