Top 6 CLAIMS the fake news media and Democrats said would happen under Trump that are ALL happening under Biden
By sdwells // 2024-01-21
Watch out for the WMDs - Weapons of Mass Deception. America is under attack, right now, and it's certainly not from MAGA supporters. It's the biggest "inside job" ever, and the Republic is being dismantled, disfigured, crippled, and castrated by a rogue, communist Government that swore up and down the previous President would be responsible. Oh, the irony. No, there aren't new planes flying into skyscraper buildings across the country, killing thousands of people in the name of the military industrial complex. No, Donald J. Trump isn't sending millions of Americans into wars around the world to be chewed up and spit out like they were in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. There's a new "sheriff" in town, and he's senile, demented, and controlled by communists, who are doing everything they warned us Trump would do. It's an "inside job" like nobody has ever experienced before. Let's get right into it.

Top 6 lies Democrats and their propaganda media complex swore would take place under Trump, but are happening now under O'Biden's CCP Regime

#1. Trump will lead the US into a new war, they said, now we're in two wars under Biden, and on the verge of WWIII #2. Trump will "destroy the economy" they claimed, and that did NOT happen, but now the economy is in shambles #3. They claimed the price of gas and inflation in general would skyrocket under Trump, and just take a look at it now #4. Beware, they said, Trump will censor the "Free Press," and now anyone who says or types the word Trump or MAGA gets censored, flagged, banned, and demonized as a domestic terrorist (not to mention all the disinformation sent out by MSM and CDC) #5. The Democrats and their fake news platforms claimed journalists would die under Trump, but look at what's happening now to journalists and the January 6'ers dying in the DC Gulag #6. Fake news warned Americans that Trump would force us all to take his dangerous "Warp Speed" Covid vaccine, but that did not happen until Biden took over

Fake News blamed Trump and his supporters for everything the globalists were planning

From fake news to fake elections, and from fake wars to fake vaccines, Americans have been conned, duped, and hypnotized into believing that Trump and the MAGA movement would be and is responsible for all the destruction the Republic is experiencing right now. MSM told us that Trump would go after Journalists and Liberals and put them in cages just for having opinions or opposing him, but the real dictatorship took over when Biden slid into the White House with his CCP cohorts, and we see the hate machine putting innocent protestors and journalists in jail for thought crimes. Plus, thanks to the plandemic, supply chains across the globe broke down and were systematically dismantled, blocked, and even burned to the ground, adding to the chaos, inflation, and crippling the economy. This is what the Democrats said would happen under Trump. Had they already planned it all out themselves? Hindsight is 20/20, and it would appear now that this was the case. Sure, Trump tried his best to "warp speed" the vaccine manufacturing to battle the Covid scamdemic, but can you blame him? Most Americans think vaccines are good for immunity, and fell hook-line-and-sinker for all the CDC lies about mRNA deadly clot-shots. Still, the Democrats warned Americans about not taking Trump's warp-speed injections, or swallowing disinfectants to battle a "novel" virus, but 270 million Americans lathered up with anti-bacterial everything, covered their faces for years with bacteria-breeding, cognition-reducing masks, and shot up their veins with vascular-clogging spike proteins, and now look at all the carnage. It's a vaccine holocaust and the medical industrial complex is blaming anything and everything except the mRNA toxic jabs. Wake up and smell the gain-of-function cooking, folks. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that lead directly to vascular clots, hypertension, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, PCVS, SPS and Long-Vax-Syndrome. Sources for this article include: