“Take Our Border Back” convoy on track to southern border, will demand government secure our wide open borders
By isabelle // 2024-01-31
As Texas continues to come under fire from the Biden administration for protecting itself against an ongoing illegal immigrant invasion, a convoy of Americans opposed to Biden’s open borders policy and its threat to national security is headed to a trio of border cities for a rally. The convoy of cars, trucks and recreational vehicles will be participating in a peaceful protest that they hope will demonstrate to the country that Americans have had enough of the Biden policies that are allowing so many people into the country without proper vetting. According to a press release for the "Take Our Border Back" convoy, they will head from Virginia Beach to the border area, where they will branch off for rallies in cities like Eagle Pass, Texas; San Ysidro, California; and Yuma, Arizona. A series of multi-city rallies will be held on February 3. The press release outlines a series of goals, from exposing the dangers of open borders to upholding the Constitution and preventing illegal activities like human trafficking and drug trafficking that are being facilitated by open borders polices. The group’s website invites “all active & retired law enforcement and military, veterans, mama bears, elected officials, business owners, ranchers, truckers, bikers, media and LAW ABIDING, freedom-loving Americans,” to take part in the initiative. The convoy has reportedly been in the works for some time, but the current standoff between the state of Texas and the Biden administration over the use of razor wire to keep illegal immigrants out has raised the stakes. Ads for the convoy have appeared on dozens of digital billboards in states like Florida, California, Louisiana and Texas.

Organizers taking steps to ensure protests are peaceful

Scotty Saks, an organizer of the event, clarified that they are not focused on the current standoff between Texas and the federal government. Instead, they want to take a clear stance against open borders. In an interview with Vice, he acknowledged that many are now making it about a show of support for Abbott, and he reiterated that it is meant to be a peaceful demonstration and that those who seek to turn it violent will not be tolerated. “We realize we may have infiltrators. There may be some people who try to subvert us, who jump in the convoy—provocateurs. We may have some, and they’re going to have to deal with our security team, they'll be asked to leave,” he said. “We won’t tolerate anyone brandishing a weapon or starting trouble, or making this more than what it’s supposed to be.” He added that the event’s organizers have been in touch with local law enforcement along the route of the convoy as well as the sites of the rallies, which will take place on private property so event security can remove those who attempt to cause trouble. Many of those who are involved in organizing the convoy live in border cities and are concerned about the rising crime in these areas. Noel Roberts told The Todd Starnes Radio Show how some cartels are taking advantage of the situation to recruit American youth into their gangs. “We also have gang members that go into the grade schools and middle schools in South Phoenix, and they actually infiltrate,” she reported. “They put these kids who come through the border, and they belong to the cartels. Make no mistake, they’re not going to nice foster homes. And they take them, put them in the schools and they recruit our, our kids into their M-13 gangs.” She added that elected officials need to know that Americans are not okay with what is happening at the border. Sources for this article include: ToddStarnes.com Vice.com TakeOurBorderBack.com