Journalist who tried to CANCEL tennis pro Novak Djokovic for rejecting COVID "vaccination" collapses and DIES while covering Australian Open
By ethanh // 2024-01-24
A prominent, "fully vaccinated" tennis reporter by the name of Mike Dickson died suddenly at the Australian Open this past week after years of shaming and trying to cancel tennis professional Novak Djokovic over his personal decision to skip getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Dickson reportedly died suddenly just days before his 60th birthday on January 27. He was in Melbourne covering the Australian Open at the time when he passed away unexpectedly, as confirmed by his wife and children on social media. "We are devastated to announce that our wonderful husband and Dad, Mike, has collapsed and died while in Melbourne for the Aus Open," Dickson's family, including "Lucy, Sam, Ruby and Joe," wrote on X (formerly Twitter). "For 38 years, he lived his dream covering sports all over the world. He was a truly great man, and we will miss him terribly." Well known in the sports journalism space, Dickson authored many stories over the years blasting Djokovic for protecting his own immune system by refusing to roll up his sleeve to participate in the Operation Warp Speed farce. Some of Dickson's more bizarre anti-Djokovic headlines, as published in British papers like The Telegraph and The Daily Mail, read as follows: "Welcome to the Wacky World of Novak Djokovic: Anti-vaxxer tennis superstar is a tree-hugger who insists Bosnia's 'pyramids' give off mystic energy and that positive thoughts can PURIFY water" "Novak Djokovic's WEASEL words cut no ice and he has damaged his reputation with his 'misinformation' around the Australian Open ... after helping to create a player union, his leadership credentials have been BADLY damaged" "Novak Djokovic will remain a hero to some, but to many others he has TRASHED his reputation beyond repair" "Novak Djokovic could ruin his chances of becoming the GOAT by refusing to take the vaccine ... it is a strange hill to die on for a player who is so desperate to be loved" (Related: In case you missed it, Djokovic was previously thrown out of Australia for being an unvaccinated athlete.)

Novak Djokovic is a class act

As you can see, Dickson had an axe to grind with Djokovic, and an obsession with Djokovic's vaccination status, or lack thereof. Dickson simply could not help himself in blasting Djokovic over and over again in the mainstream British press, only to later die suddenly from the very thing for which he tried to cancel Djokovic in the first place. At one point, Dickson even called Djokovic, who once was kicked out of Australia for being unvaccinated, "deplorable," complaining about Djokovic's request for "more information" about Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" before he would ever agree to take any of them. "He says he wants more information, but how much more does he need?" Dickson griped back in 2022. "More than 10 billion doses have been administered worldwide and there is now a wealth of evidence out there." Being the class act that he is, Djokovic, who is healthy and vibrant, thanks to not taking any COVID injections, offered his condolences to Dickson on X, never once criticizing his attacker in the same way that he was personally attacked: You will find the latest news about prominent "died suddenly" cases such as that of Mike Dickson's at Sources for this article include: