United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby BULLIED unvaccinated employees, forced them to wear "Scarlet Letter" STICKERS as humiliation
By ethanh // 2024-02-05
Employees of United Airlines are suing the company for harassing and bullying its unvaccinated managers and co-workers during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic." LGBT drag queen and United CEO Scott Kirby is accused of being the chief instigator who ring-led the mistreatment of his company's unvaccinated employees, branding them with "Scarlet Letter"-style stickers as a humiliation ritual. "In late 2020, Kirby began trying to leverage [the COVID-19] crisis for United's benefit by publicly discussing a potential vaccine mandate," the court filing states. "In January 2021, without telling his executive team beforehand, Kirby made national headlines by stating that United should mandate a COVID-19 vaccine for its 60,000 employees." After Kirby launched these theatrics, many United employees filed for a medical or religious exemption to avoid being forcibly jabbed by their cross-dressing medical fascist CEO, only to be "sacrificed on the altar of Kirby's quest," to quote LifeSiteNews, to "advertise a 100 percent [employee] vaccination rate after deciding that marketing was more important than its employees' civil rights." "United's actions had their desired effect, as bullying and harassment became commonplace across United's workforce," the lawsuit further states. "Ultimately, the record is clear that United's employees felt free to criticize accommodated employees when they saw their CEO doing the same thing." (Related: Last March, United Airlines announced a new all-LGBT "rainbow" flight crew for its San Francisco to Sydney jetliner route.)

No medical privacy at United Airlines

Kirby was reportedly so obsessed with bullying all of his employees into getting COVID-jabbed that he actually "proposed requiring accommodated employees to walk around with special stickers on their badges broadcasting their vaccination status." One human resource (HR) employee expressed shock at the sticker proposal, likening the move to the "Scarlet Letter." Others noted Kirby's proposal was also similar to the yellow armbands that Jewish people were forced to wear during World War II. Because of the precedent Kirby set for the company-wide harassment of unvaccinated employees, many employees in HR who "heard Kirby's message of ostracization and derision loud and clear" and who were "responsible for reviewing accommodation requests felt free to mock and criticize those requests." Some of the mockery that allegedly went on behind the scenes because of all this, according to the suit, include: An instance in which an HR representative suggested that unvaccinated employees "are probably going to do what they have been doing ... buying fake vaccine cards and adding it, or filing a 'religious exemption' ... Our employees cannot be trusted[.]" Another instance in which a United employee who was reviewing accommodation requests called another employee's request for a medical exemption "bulls**t," assuming it was fabricated. Yet another instance in which an HR representative at United criticized an employee who sought a religious exemption for "purchas[ing] a statue of Buddha from Amazon." "I want to know where [people] are getting these sham [doctors] to write them off for these alleged illness[es]," scoffed another. As you can see, the workplace environment at United became overwhelmingly toxic due to Kirby's anti-unvaccinated messaging and stunts. And now, those employees who were injured by the toxic environment Kirby created want accountability and recompense. Amazingly, in August 2021, United even went so far to broadcast its employees' vaccination status by sending postcards to the homes of those who had not yet provided proof of vaccination. "It wasn't enough to pressure employees in the workplace, they also wanted employees considering an accommodation to be pressured at home," the suit further states about how the abuse also reached the family members of unvaccinated United employees. Will woke corporations like United Airlines survive or go broke? Find out more at Wokies.news. Sources for this article include: LifeSiteNews.com NaturalNews.com